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Chapter 2 Secret Baby

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 05/11/2023

y at Cylin's words. It made Cylin hold back

child?" asked Max very casually,

as completely trampled by the man in front of him who was now

what I'm talking about," Max replied carelessly, the cor

d demanding accountability just like Cylin was doing now, the difference being that they were all clearly lying because Max had never touched them while Cylin was clearly not

scious last night, so he was very emotional when he

sly last ni

he room without me knowing, I apologize, but to take responsibility I can't, I'm not sure if it's my flesh and blo


cheek. The severity of Cylin's slap caused Max's head to turn to the right, an

n, tears coming out in a stream

his gaze cold and penetrat

e karma and remorse!" The shock from Cylin filled Max's office, the woman rubb

heek. "What did she say? Regret? Never!" he shouted sarca

then sat back in his chair and continued his w


clothes and belongings into the two suitcases arranged on the bed, occasionally

of herself and the baby in her womb, she didn't realize that her m

the test pack that Cylin had hidden under her pillow. At that moment, Cylin was forced to confess to h

that the woman's father and mother angrily kicked her out of the house, saying that they no longer consider

r siblings, this afternoon Cylin only saw her siblin

xpected incident to lead directly to the fetus in her stomach. Whatever it was that had happened

ouraged herself in front of the mirror af

"Why did Papa and Mama have the heart to kick me out right away? If I'm still here, I'll defi

temporary place to stay before she started looking for a job. Cylin had to let go of the fact that she w

sighed heavily as she wiped a

r face looked puffy, Cylin decided to le

e already in the living room, they seemed to be silent with the TV on. C

ye," Cylin said as she

ook at her. Cylin was already standing in front of them, she thought she needed one last

cry, okay,' Cylin

ng here? Please leave t

pa Cylin continued sharply, making the w

ords, Cylin finally decided to leave without a w

and in the end the woman could not help but weep as she r

had ordered outside her gate. Cylin glanced



Chapter 1 Secret Baby Chapter 2 Secret Baby Chapter 3 Secret Baby Chapter 4 Secret Baby Chapter 5 Secret Baby Chapter 6 Secret Baby Chapter 7 Secret Baby Chapter 8 Secret Baby Chapter 9 Secret Baby Chapter 10 Secret Baby Chapter 11 Secret Baby
Chapter 12 Secret Baby
Chapter 13 Secret Baby
Chapter 14 Secret Baby
Chapter 15 Secret Baby
Chapter 16 Secret Baby
Chapter 17 Secret Baby
Chapter 18 Secret Baby
Chapter 19 Secret Baby
Chapter 20 Secret Baby
Chapter 21 Secret Baby
Chapter 22 Secret Baby
Chapter 23 Secret Baby
Chapter 24 Secret Baby
Chapter 25 Secret Baby
Chapter 26 Secret Baby
Chapter 27 Secret Baby
Chapter 28 Secret Baby
Chapter 29 Secret Baby
Chapter 30 Secret Baby
Chapter 31 Secret Baby
Chapter 32 Secret Baby
Chapter 33 Secret Baby
Chapter 34 Secret Baby
Chapter 35 Secret Baby
Chapter 36 Secret Baby
Chapter 37 Secret Baby
Chapter 38 Secret Baby
Chapter 39 Secret Baby
Chapter 40 Secret Baby
Chapter 41 Secret Baby
Chapter 42 Secret Baby
Chapter 43 Secret Baby
Chapter 44 Secret Baby
Chapter 45 Secret Baby
Chapter 46 Secret Baby
Chapter 47 Secret Baby
Chapter 48 Secret Baby
Chapter 49 Secret Baby
Chapter 50 Secret Baby
Chapter 51 Secret Baby
Chapter 52 Secret Baby
Chapter 53 Secret Baby
Chapter 54 Secret Baby
Chapter 55 Secret Baby
Chapter 56 Secret Baby
Chapter 57 Secret Baby
Chapter 58 Secret Baby
Chapter 59 Secret Baby
Chapter 60 Secret Baby
Chapter 61 Secret Baby
Chapter 62 Secret Baby
Chapter 63 Secret Baby
Chapter 64 Secret Baby
Chapter 65 Secret Baby
Chapter 66 Secret Baby
Chapter 67 Secret Baby
Chapter 68 Secret Baby
Chapter 69 Secret Baby
Chapter 70 Secret Baby
Chapter 71 Secret Baby
Chapter 72 Secret Baby
Chapter 73 Secret Baby
Chapter 74 Secret Baby
Chapter 75 Secret Baby
Chapter 76 Secret Baby
Chapter 77 Secret Baby
Chapter 78 Secret Baby
Chapter 79 Secret Baby
Chapter 80 Secret Baby
Chapter 81 Secret Baby
Chapter 82 Secret Baby
Chapter 83 Secret Baby
Chapter 84 Secret Baby
Chapter 85 Secret Baby
Chapter 86 Secret Baby
Chapter 87 Secret Baby
Chapter 88 Secret Baby
Chapter 89 Secret Baby
Chapter 90 Secret Baby
Chapter 91 Secret Baby
Chapter 92 Secret Baby
Chapter 93 Secret Baby
Chapter 94 Secret Baby
Chapter 95 Secret Baby
Chapter 96 Secret Baby
Chapter 97 Secret Baby
Chapter 98 Secret Baby
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