img You Belong To Me! Ex-Wife  /  Chapter 3 Letting go | 2.65%
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Chapter 3 Letting go

Word Count: 1940    |    Released on: 19/01/2024

She silently turned to walk away but stopped when her name was called.

"Lisa...?" Nathan called. She stopped, sighed, and turned around with an awkward smile.

"Nathan... hey," she greeted with a wave of her hand.

"Were you leaving just now? I mean are you trying to sneak off?" Nathan asked. 

"Yes..., I was," She replied truthfully. 
"Didn't you see us?" He asked, gesturing more at Trey, making Lisa frown. 

red. The moment she said that Trey turned to look at her, his gaze was dar

Nathan frowned in confusion. He turned to Trey for clarification but then noticed Trey's demeanor towards Lisa. He then realized there must be some misunderstanding between them, so he decided to help resolve whatever dispute there was between them.

"Sit with us, Lisa?" He asked. However, Lisa shook her head, smiled, then said.

"Thanks, Nathan, but there are some situations I'd rather avoid." She smiled.

"What's going on Trey?" Kelvin finally asked, after observing Trey and Lisa's love quarrels for a while, but he didn't get a response. He turns to Lisa with a questioning gaze, but all he got was silence.
 "Whatever you want to know, you asked your dear friend Trey. Nice seeing you both, Nathan, and Kelvin." She said emphasizing the 'you both'. She then turned to leave, even though she acted daring just now, she inwardly, as she walked away, wished Trey would call her back, pull her into his arms, and whisper into her ear that all that had happened in the past few days was nothing but a prank. How much she'd hoped it was so. But who was she trying to fool? However, upon taking a few steps further, Trey's voice halted her

"Lisa!" Her heart skipped a beat when she heard Trey's powerful but husky voice calling her, a satisfying smile gracing her lips. She was pleased 'I was right all along' she thought, marveled. She turned around and responded, beaming. Her cheeks a crimson red. Trey stared at her blushed cheeks, and at that moment, he realized how fascinating, how beautiful she was.

"Yes?" She replied softly. 

"You have 5 days left to sign the papers and..." he was cut off by Lisa before he could finish his sentence. Her smile faded. 'Damn bastard' Lisa swore inwardly.

"I've already signed it, and I marked out the alimony, I don't need your money, Trey..., I married you not because of your money," she sighed "I married you because I love you." 

"I don't love you, Lisa," Trey said through gritted teeth. Lisa bit her cheek not to show how hurtful his words were.

"Same here, I used to love you, but I don't anymore, all I feel for you is pure hatred and nothing else." She smirked then walked away. 


in front of Trey and his friends. Now her mouth is filled with rusty metallic taste. She re

"Damn you Trey, Damn you, I hate you, I hate you." She yelled. 
A few minutes later she wipes her tears off and reapplies her makeup. She drove to her workplace and resigned. From there she went to her uncle's mansion, to bid them farewell.
 When she arrived at the mansion, nanny Rose hurriedly came and hugged her. 

have you been? You've grown into a b

"I miss you too Nanny, how have you been?" Lisa asked, happy to see her nanny after 3 years of separation. 
Nanny Rose has been working for the Lynn family since Lisa's mum's childhood, Nanny Rose took care of Lisa's mum and uncle and continued with her and Valerie.
 Nanny Rose and her uncle were the only people to treat her well when she was living with the family.

"I've been doing well, are you here to meet your uncle?" she asked,

"Yes, is he home?" Lisa asked

Rose said. As they walked toward

"What is this bad luck doing here?" Aunt Mary asked with a scoff.

Oh, she now talks back?" Aunt Mary asked sa

"Aunt I'm sorry, but I have important matters to attend to, if you don't mind, I excuse myself first," Lisa said walking away before her aunt could reply. 
Aunt Mary stood there, vexed, her head about to explode from rage, that Lisa walked out on her, 'how dare that brat, I'll make sure she never forgets disrespecting me today,' she made a mental note to teach Lisa a lesson.

Lisa knocked on the door to her uncle's study and was asked to come in. When she entered, her uncle's face instantly brightened up.

"Oh, Lisa." he said standing up, coming around his desk and drawing Lisa into his embrace. 
He was very happy to see her. He feels sorry for her, he owes Lisa. Even though he tried to make her life good, growing up as an orphan, he failed her by choosing his own daughter's happiness over Lisa's. He knows his sister will be very disappointed with him wherever she is. 
"Uncle Maxwell," Lisa said, hugging him back, "I've missed you a lot." 

"I've missed you too," Uncle Max said, breaking the hug. 
Lisa's family never knew about her marriage to Trey. On the day Trey proposed, he demanded they have a civil marriage at the city hall, so they only got a certificate.

Trey's family and friends were the only ones who knew about their marriage. Wherever Lisa asked Trey to meet her family, he always gave her different excuses. 

"How have you been? you look thin, do you eat on time? Or is your boyfriend giving you problems? You have one right?" Uncle Maxwell asked countless questions in a row, making Lisa smile not knowing which to answer first. 
After catching up with her uncle for a while she told him.

bid you farewell, I'm leavin

"Why? Are you in any sort of trouble," Uncle Maxwell asked in a concerned tone.

"No uncle, I just want to go and discover another culture," She lied.

"Okay then, where are you leaving to?" Uncle Maxwell asked.

"Windy bay in country B," Lisa answered. 

"Oh, Okay, I have a colleague friend in Windy Bay City, I will let him arrange a place for your stay." He said. Lisa was extremely touched by her uncle's help.

"Thank you very much, it means a lot." She hugs him, a tear escaping down her cheek.

"You are Welcome, dear, I will send you his contact info, you call him when you arrive."


Trey walked to his car annoyed. He couldn't believe the nerve of Lisa, how dare she think he married her out of love, he scoffed.
 'He's Trey Collins, a business tycoon and king of the underworld. People tremble in fear at my sight. How dare she, who had the guts to bully me when he was young, think he could ever have feelings for her?' 
He laughed.
 He bet when she finds out she was just a pawn to him, it would break her, and that would be the perfect revenge for him.

gas and drove to

Trey started to work as a mafia at an early age. Flashback to 
10 years ago, Old Master Collins, a grandfather he never heard of came to visit. There were huge men in black suits and shade glasses standing along the sides of the latest model of Rolls Royce parked in a line.

Trey, who was 14 years old at that time, was standing in his room watching the situation outside from his window. He decided to go downstairs to find out what was happening and happened to eavesdrop on his parents and grandfather's conversation. 

"How dare you hide my grandson away from me?" Old Master Collins roared.

"He's my son, dad, I decide what to do with him." Mr Elijah, Trey's father retorted with the same intensity as his dad.

ing him from me since his birth?" Master Collins said angrily. He

Elijah decided not to let his child join the family business because of its dangerous lifestyle, filled with violence and crimes, their family comes from generations of mafias. They are the leader of the underworld in country A.

All their mafia backgrounds were hidden and covered with their business world. He eloped with his family to live a normal life clean of blood. Elijah changed his last name so his father would not be able to find them and come for Trey. He never thought his father would not give up on his search for them after 14 years. 

, I agreed when you said you wouldn't want to work in the underworld, and that too, with a

"I won't let you take my son, I agreed back then because I just wanted out." Elijah retorted. 

"I'm not asking you, I'm taking him home, to start with his training. You're welcome to join us." With that, he gestured to his men and they started to search the house. 
Elijah and his wife tried to stop the men, but they were no match for him and his wife. Trey, after realizing he was the person in question, tip-toed back to his room and locked his door.

ocked room and went to report to the Old Master. He walked up the stairs

"Child, please open the door, grandfather would like to meet you." He calmly said.
 "I have been waiting for so long to meet you, come on, open the door, and meet Grandfather." Just then Trey opened the door and walked out to meet his grandfather. 
 They left for the old Collins mansion in country A, on a private jet. 
His training started the very next day. He was taught both the traits of the business world and the mafia world.

Life wasn't easy for him, since his training involved pulling triggers, killing, escaping traps, and seducing women. 
At the age of 17, he became the boss of the underworld. He also became the youngest CEO in country A.

At 19 he had achieved countless goals in the business world and has defeated many enemies in the underworld. 
He was a ruthless, domineering, and powerful CEO in the business world and a ruthlessly merciless man, who wouldn't blink at the idea of murder, torture, and making one disappear from the face of the earth without a trace in the underworld.

Every lady in Pearl City dreams to become his wife, even if just his whore, but was also terrified of him by his powerful and deadly aura.





Chapter 1 Divorce Chapter 2 Never letting go Chapter 3 Letting go Chapter 4 Banquet Chapter 5 Regretting Chapter 6 Windy bay
Chapter 7 Encounter
Chapter 8 Frustrated
Chapter 9 New beginning
Chapter 10 Beginning of something new
Chapter 11 The Underworld
Chapter 12 Friendship
Chapter 13 Don Antonio
Chapter 14 Application for Godparent
Chapter 15 Valerie
Chapter 16 Lisa for Trey
Chapter 17 Babies
Chapter 18 Giving up on Lisa
Chapter 19 Ladies first
Chapter 20 Little Martina
Chapter 21 Their reunion
Chapter 22 Birthday party for Luis and Clara
Chapter 23 You're our leader
Chapter 24 That man is the devil's advocate
Chapter 25 You're mine!
Chapter 26 A Weakling posing as him
Chapter 27 Four years later
Chapter 28 Spoiled Princess
Chapter 29 Rich heiress
Chapter 30 The skilled surgeon
Chapter 31 Hades (the god of death)
Chapter 32 A plan to finally get Trey to marry her
Chapter 33 You promise
Chapter 34 Deal
Chapter 35 The little boy back then
Chapter 36 You were busy
Chapter 37 The promise
Chapter 38 The Queen of the Underworld
Chapter 39 The Good Doctor
Chapter 40 Intermission 1
Chapter 41 Intermission 2
Chapter 42 The weird man
Chapter 43 The return
Chapter 44 Trey meets Luis
Chapter 45 Sorry Dad
Chapter 46 The comeback
Chapter 47 Encountering Lisa after six years
Chapter 48 Drugged by Trey
Chapter 49 I love you
Chapter 50 Drugged
Chapter 51 Make things right
Chapter 52 Trey's son
Chapter 53 Spying on Lisa and Lucas
Chapter 54 Lucas
Chapter 55 I never stopped
Chapter 56 The Mastermind
Chapter 57 Gunshot
Chapter 58 Double personality
Chapter 59 DNA
Chapter 60 Don't hate me
Chapter 61 Drama queen
Chapter 62 I hate you, trey collin
Chapter 63 Poker face
Chapter 64 I promise
Chapter 65 Baby steps
Chapter 66 His queen
Chapter 67 Stay with me
Chapter 68 Like what you see
Chapter 69 A family heirloom
Chapter 70 Trey's dilemma
Chapter 71 Crazy bitch
Chapter 72 Where is my wife
Chapter 73 Say you believe me.
Chapter 74 Confronting Valerie
Chapter 75 If you want to see Luis, come to me
Chapter 76 Grant him his wish
Chapter 77 The reunion
Chapter 78 Old Master Collins
Chapter 79 As a just person myself
Chapter 80 You belong to me! Lisa
Chapter 81 My love
Chapter 82 You thought I was Valerie
Chapter 83 I didn't steal it!
Chapter 84 The little girl who survived
Chapter 85 Lunatic family
Chapter 86 A plan
Chapter 87 My Love
Chapter 88 Her children's life.
Chapter 89 Dragon wrath
Chapter 90 A loud explosion
Chapter 91 High resolution binoculars
Chapter 92 Old Mansion
Chapter 93 Fausto is dead
Chapter 94 I'm never leaving you again
Chapter 95 One big family
Chapter 96 Don't stop
Chapter 97 Old Master Collins
Chapter 98 Her family's past
Chapter 99 unexpected surge of emotions
Chapter 100 I won't force you again, Jade
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