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The Matchmaking

The Matchmaking

Author: Jeep
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Chapter 1 work and studies

Word Count: 2485    |    Released on: 14/11/2023


amiliar route leading to a renowned restaurant in town. It'

. I had trouble finding a job at the beginning of the

ney to cover my exam expenses. It's crucial for

employees can be seen. We can't enter the main area when we come fro

here are two rooms here except for the kitchen door. After I put my thin

ing the phone of one of our colleagues. I slowly approached and whis

ely moved after hearing my voice. They thought maybe it was our m

she was going to have a heart attack. It's like I'm pos

r Lily was the first one I became close to here, she was also three yea

I don't know why the father of her child

facing them. "What are you doing? Is there another issue that has

tudent as me but she is studying at a

d to download them. They say there are so many handsome guys out there and the others are

money to earn," I said and went stra

n studying, be happy just be happy in life okay?" I entered the nearby

d outside the door frowning at me.

to do again?" I doubted him. He

omething. Total, it's my break time. I

gave him my phone, w

answer me and just turned away suddenly. I just shru

ering the restaurant and gree

elcome to 'Noble Palette Br

ly rich because of their posture and clothes. The man didn't ev

." I gasped at what I heard but I didn't answer and quickly went to the office. If some of us are abse

th what he was talking to on the phone, so I waited f

forehead was wrinkled when he tur

ause we have a lot of reservations now big people. Don't

phone rang again so he sent me away w

needs to be especially patient and usually the rich peopl

didn't realize the time because the reservation was also full and I had work later a

I wouldn't have been the one to deliver it because I was serving a customer right no

cutely aware of every move I made. In the middle of the group was a woman who seemed to exude grace and sophistication, her attire

manner in which the other women sipped their drinks. But even before I could pass the glass to

my fingers caressing the woman's hand. The modest stem of the glass clat

trusion, silencing nearby conversations and

the weight of their eyes in my direction. My cheeks flushed with e

er fingers delicately touched her wrist where my touch had grazed her, and her gaze shifted from the br

get a new one," I stuttered apologizing to the

erve here these days," she remarked lou

last thing I needed was humiliation from a customer. I continued cleaning up

more suited to your skill set. Bussing tables at a fast-food

n's words. My heart sank, and I bit my lip to hold back tears. I knew that I co

ng with but he didn't even help me and went straight into the kitchen area. Fortunately, Janny came to me

t Mr. Davis requested my presence in his office. Nervous but hopeful, I

e complaints about your performance tonight. It seems there wer

ng. The woman mocking had led to formal compla

I stammered a

if you're disa

forts, Isabella, but in this industry, customer satisfa

tuation hit me. I had worked so hard to prove myse

for two months, I was happy because I earned enough money to pay for what I needed in school. I

e. Maybe this is the nature of the world. I know I'm wrong but it's too much. That woman humiliated me, if I was brave I might have been able to

l be visiting because they are going to celebrate the birthday of her cousin's boyfriend. He really wants me not

't get tired right away, but with what happened

I also received several messages from my colleagues at the rest

them now. Yes and I am disappointed but that is also my fault. I just want

ntrance. The uniform I was wearing was also tangled. While I was drawing air, I ran

n hear it go off so I slept well. It's also my fault becaus

face a comforting sight in the midst of my slightly frazzled state. He beckoned

out being late. Just catch your breath

t go off." I said as I caught my breath. As I got closer, I

e leaving the bar. Maybe it needs to be done because ev

were afraid of. I guess I'm traumatized because I haven't told Carlo what hap

een waiting for my shift to end. When I arrived, I noticed Shane sitting at a table with a

up and approached me. Out of cu

Who are all t

nto each other, and I thought it would be fun to hang out togethe

ing myself quickly warming up to

ou just need to be tarpaulined so that everyone knows." They laughed at what Shena's c

end. I want to adopt him but he doesn't

n's friend, whose name as far as I know is Michael, jokingly. It ha

in my third year." I promise. I couldn't help




Chapter 1 work and studies Chapter 2 the offer Chapter 3 The designs of the venue Chapter 4 the dean's office Chapter 5 revelation Matched Chapter 6 the Top Entrepreneur
Chapter 7 played my feelings
Chapter 8 Our Contract
Chapter 9 get jealous
Chapter 10 Ex-wife
Chapter 11 the apartment
Chapter 12 celebrate love
Chapter 13 flirty and seductive
Chapter 14 just playing games
Chapter 15 His promise
Chapter 16 my heart pounding
Chapter 17 her blockmates
Chapter 18 happening between us
Chapter 19 Model in famous
Chapter 20 His Ex-wife
Chapter 21 My Future Husband
Chapter 22 The Classroom
Chapter 23 the amusement park
Chapter 24 matching partners
Chapter 25 the traditional
Chapter 26 My Girlfriend
Chapter 27 The first meeting
Chapter 28 Kissing me
Chapter 29 The CEO
Chapter 30 Taking revenge
Chapter 31 My partner
Chapter 32 Our Conversation
Chapter 33 house near the University
Chapter 34 our Exclusive customer
Chapter 35 He pretended to be hurt
Chapter 36 Her lovers
Chapter 37 my flirty cousin's
Chapter 38 the garden of the house
Chapter 39 the pain in my heart
Chapter 40 ex-husband's coldness
Chapter 41 confess his true feelings
Chapter 42 our passionate kiss
Chapter 43 My girlfriend
Chapter 44 gning documents
Chapter 45 the investigation
Chapter 46 relationship
Chapter 47 our picnic plans
Chapter 48 who killed our son
Chapter 49 About my situation
Chapter 50 The pain
Chapter 51 his private jet
Chapter 52 luxurious hotel
Chapter 53 Pregnant
Chapter 54 Classmate
Chapter 55 my signature on the contract
Chapter 56 the matchmaking service
Chapter 57 Christmas vacation
Chapter 58 the kidnapper
Chapter 59 planning
Chapter 60 my feelings Alexander
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