img THE ROOT OF DARKNESS  /  Chapter 4 The RISING STALK | 16.67%
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Chapter 4 The RISING STALK

Word Count: 1494    |    Released on: 19/11/2023

inger in my dreams when

t had roused me from earlier than planned. It was be

, to match the rumbling sounds. I frown, watching the door

slightly under me. For the life of me, I can not figure o

ee mighty horses, galloping towards our little cottage. The horses hooves s

come from the horses ho

h to

ven wait till we are properly

right in front of me. Dust swirls in the air around them,

e guards, Sir Victor, Sir Hansman and Sir Barret, get off their horses and marc

ds, and we are here to

s obsessively loud voice that could ro

an adds i

pest! Brin

ve copper pieces, placing it in his palm. He and Sir Barret

short! Bring it here, or pa

push me back against the door. But I maintain ey

left. That should buy us some more time, and before yo

when Sir Victor storms close

hed that you can't afford to p

e rodent, that boy! He has the re


I feel someone else coming closer, so I swing one of my legs de

e air, scattering and

rret s


rner of my vision, I can see the worried expression on her face. S

dignity? Have you three no shame, a

unt, don't worry about me

a defensive expression. "We already gave you one last chance to pay your

Her voice is cracking and weak, but her

he name of the king? Yes, we have no money. Yes, we owe taxes. But we on

ma'am." Sir

m the horses behind them, i

rret." Sir Victor says

ion closest to the horses. He looks perplexed and scared. I real

nd did not come

my thoughts. "It i

to shake violently. I stagger, in shock and fear as the rumbling soun

arth, giving off vibrations so strong that we

ick, green roots spring up all around, consuming t

loping free of their reins and

rly traps me under. All my eyes can see is a s

see her being taken up one with the rapidly growing roots. At this point, I am unsure if they are eve

ic-stricken yel


ingle with that of Sir Hansman, echoing down the gigantic length of the beanstalk

xively jump away just as the massive width of the bean

tage like it was a baby's toy. One root looks as fat as a castle chimney. I have no

ring skyward. I follow their gaze to see the gigantic plant looming

hick vines, massive roots a

ought spurs me into action and I scramb

there! You have to pl

r shakes

close to that thing without supplies. There coul

have time!" Sir

e others. That way, ev

n and indignation. They refuse to help me? Fine. I w

and she will not survive being so high up in the air

vines and roots with great difficulty. The door is barred shut wit

I hurriedly gather my meagre supplies. I grab a satchel of food, stron

and I know it would be sturdy

tied the rope into a firm knot around my h

e, I look through the tangle of roo

ds." I

talk, observing the grooves and

und the root, sinking my knife

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