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Chapter 3 The Confrontation

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 03/12/2023


ging room, I slammed the door be

epared for. She wasn't the typical mate I expected to have,

he salon and gym as though it was her full time job. She knew how to keep her lips red and to welco

She wore no makeup and clearly saw her hair as a chore. In her constant baggy shirts and

d be very easy to reject her. But when she stared up at

lias' cold gaze. He was towering over me and I felt intimidated. I slowly gathered myse

portant." I dug my hands into my pocket. "I h

I hated to admit it, he was feared and respected more than everyone in school. But I was

. They were possessive creatures who left their claim on girls whether they were mated or not. Th

nd reader. How could he know about the mate bond already?



or a long moment.

u rejec

d to know that I wasn't going to accept it. But why was all these

her." I was starti

nd make decisions for me? And why on ea

ot yours to play with, Brad. Valerie is your girlfriend and I'm sure she

and I can do whatever I want with her. If you h

around my throat. "Listen to me, Brad. I know you have no intentions to

I had only seen a Lycan that way whenever he was defending his mate or trying to claim her from some

rubbing my elbow. "But she came to me first and luckily

is body shaking with rage. "I'm going to rip out your throat if y

ashed over me as I considered Elias' threat. How could he come to my territory to thre

her head through it. "Why are you hiding in the changing room?" I s

and shampoo swamping my nostrils. I was painfully aware that she sme

her?" Her hands were on her waist

"Because I didn't think it was important to te

Did you reject her a

e to tell her. "I didn't but I told her we couldn't be together. She b

ed into a malicious frown. "We promised to reject our mates when we find them. Do

rustration. Every minute I was wasting with her, Elias wa

to tell than the truth. "I was just trying not to hurt h

with anyone." She pressed her lips to mine and wrapped her hands around my neck. "Besi

at did you do to her? Tell me!" My voice thundered a

he cafeteria." She was nervous. "E

om to the hallway, without waiting for an answ



Chapter 1 Rejected Chapter 2 Bullied Chapter 3 The Confrontation Chapter 4 The Alpha Or The Lycan Chapter 5 Second Chance Mate Chapter 6 It's Over Chapter 7 The Truth
Chapter 8 Advice Me, Mum
Chapter 9 The Dream And The Gunshot
Chapter 10 You're Mine Already
Chapter 11 You Must Be Mated
Chapter 12 That's What You Get
Chapter 13 I'm A Pawn
Chapter 14 Playing The Player
Chapter 15 The Dream
Chapter 16 Can We Talk
Chapter 17 The Confrontation
Chapter 18 The Accidental Passion
Chapter 19 Father And Son's Sins
Chapter 20 The Confrontation 2
Chapter 21 The Intruder
Chapter 22 The Visit To The Lycan Pa
Chapter 23 I Won't Let Them Hurt You
Chapter 24 Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 The Kidnap
Chapter 26 Adorned Like A Pet
Chapter 27 Pay Back Time
Chapter 28 Escape Plans
Chapter 29 The Missing Mate
Chapter 30 Something Was Off
Chapter 31 The Taking Of Scarlet
Chapter 32 Valerie's Rage
Chapter 33 The Death Of Mrs Harrison
Chapter 34 Valerie, Valerie, Prisoner
Chapter 35 Your Mother Is Dead
Chapter 36 I'll Kill Valerie
Chapter 37 War Against The Lycans
Chapter 38 Burying Our Mother
Chapter 39 A Broken Heart
Chapter 40 War Is Coming
Chapter 41 Feelings, Feelings
Chapter 42 She's Mine
Chapter 43 The Wrong Kiss
Chapter 44 Be Careful!
Chapter 45 Some Fun Time
Chapter 46 A Secret
Chapter 47 I Kept My Word
Chapter 48 A Date With Scarlet
Chapter 49 It Was All For Show
Chapter 50 Caught In A Web Of Lies
Chapter 51 Heartbroken Again
Chapter 52 Choose Between Me Or Her
Chapter 53 I'll Always Choose You
Chapter 54 The New Player
Chapter 55 Betrayed By Love
Chapter 56 What Was Happening
Chapter 57 Something Is Off
Chapter 58 How Dare You
Chapter 59 Let Me Go
Chapter 60 Resentment
Chapter 61 Beatrice Is Playing A Game
Chapter 62 Unwanted Love
Chapter 63 Together Forever
Chapter 64 Finding Out The Truth
Chapter 65 The Attack
Chapter 66 Journey Into Another Realm
Chapter 67 To Save Elias
Chapter 68 You Aren't A Murderer
Chapter 69 Saving Him
Chapter 70 Another Realm
Chapter 71 Cyclops
Chapter 72 Have A Nice Life
Chapter 73 Awake
Chapter 74 Saved By Brad
Chapter 75 The Cute Stranger
Chapter 76 Finding Brad
Chapter 77 Silas Von Haart
Chapter 78 Suspicions And Fantasies
Chapter 79 Exams And Kisses
Chapter 80 Results
Chapter 81 The Marking Challenge
Chapter 82 She's Under My Spell
Chapter 83 I Want To Meet With Silas
Chapter 84 Dark Magic
Chapter 85 It's Like A Lost Battle
Chapter 86 A Trap
Chapter 87 Scarlet Is Going To Kill Me
Chapter 88 Stay With Me
Chapter 89 He May Die
Chapter 90 Marked And Loved
Chapter 91 Another Trance
Chapter 92 A Little Surprise
Chapter 93 An Old Watcher
Chapter 94 You're Safe Now
Chapter 95 Insisting On Seeing Scarlet
Chapter 96 Your Father, Scarlet
Chapter 97 I'm A Hybrid
Chapter 98 You're A Witch
Chapter 99 Hurt
Chapter 100 Having A Father Wasn't Bad
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