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Winning His Ex Wife Back

Winning His Ex Wife Back

Author: Gabby Daniel
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Chapter 1 DIVORCE

Word Count: 968    |    Released on: 22/12/2023

hed around the report as i dazedly stared at the doctor. "congratulations Mrs. Winthrop, you're three weeks gone. Your baby is in good health" I gulped down uneasy. I didn't know how to react.

knew Arthur was gonna divorce me once his childhood lover comes from the state. I pondered on how his mother and sister are gonna take the news. They never liked me nor wanted me for their son. Since Arthur's grandfather died, they all treated me like trash and made me do lots of work in the villa. I was no different than the maids and my husband Arthur never did anything when his family humiliates and bully me. It was drizzling when i finally stepped out of the hospital. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out; it was a message from my husband, Arthur Winthrop . 'It's our wedding anniversary Gwen. Set the table for dinner. I'm coming to the Villa tonight. I have something important to discuss with you!" My mouth went agape. I never realized today was our wedding anniversary. Today marks my three years marriage with Arthur. How come Arthur remembered? I thought he never cared about this marriage?. A part of me was very happy. For the first time since we got married, Arthur finally showed concern for something and that's our anniversary. I couldn't be more glad. IN THE EVENING AT THE WINTHROP MANSION I was more than happy as I set the table. I can't still believe that Arthur remembered our marriage anniversary. It was going to be the first time in years since we had celebrated the day of our marriage. Maybe during the dinner, I can reveal to him that am pregnant. When i was done setting the dinner, I sat down awaiting the return of my husband. However, an hour soon turned into two hours, and two hours into thre

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