img HIM (I WANT HIM)  /  Chapter 7 BEING CLINGY | 13.73%
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Word Count: 1596    |    Released on: 23/12/2023


ld them that he had changed his mind about them adopting Victoria because all she had done the first day she arrived in the house was to

who brought her home so he should deal with whatever she did to him or he should get her out of t

ndparents' responsibility and priority is to always make him happy and do things that bring him happiness but now that he told them he was bei

try to make them do what they won't do since he always does whatever he wants to do which is why he brought Victoria to them so they can adopt her and they only accept Victoria because that want to make him happ

nts. Blessing realizes this is the first time in his life that his grandparents are refusing to do what he told them to do leavi

hes away from himself, always troubles him, and would later become friends with within the house and now he wants them her out why would they. Blessing's grandparents al

closing at school. Blessing also could no longer be alone anywhere in the house anymore because Victoria is always there close to him telling him he is forever stuck with her. Blessing had tried many times to make sure Victoria always stopped coming into his room to

use Victoria always sticks to him like gum. If Blessing saw Victoria wanted to sleep in his bed, he would go down to sleep on the floor but Victoria would still come

e always lives his life like an introvert. Blessing had complained several times to his grandparents about the things Victoria always did which inconvenient him and told them to do

someone fun and lively to be with so making friends was easy for her. So she tried to make Blessing make friends too but Bles

r as their new class/schoolmate. Blessing was shocked to see Victoria with the headmistress and became anxious upon hearing Victoria is their new class/schoolmate

ey did nothing to change his current situation, always supported everything Victoria did, and no longer

school that she was Blessing's twin sister which got Blessing shocked and wondered why she did that. Blessing

ria in his school knowing how she always be next to him. Blessing's grandparents responded that Blessing was

ol that she is enrolled in not another school? Blessing's grandparents responded that Vict

since Victoria started living in their home and wondered why his grandparents had

used to. Victoria has friends in school so she tries to make Blessing make friends with some of their class/schoolmates but Blessing disagrees. Victoria tries to find out why Blessing wouldn't make friends in school and finds out that no one wants to be friends with Bless

nd did everything he could to make Victoria stay away from her and even cause her pain but she refused to. Blessing comes to realize he is truly stuck with Victoria and does n

ing always visited before coming home and places he always loved to be alone but Blessing never got to be alone anymore because of her. Victoria

sleep next to each other inside Blessing's bedroom, go to school together, visit places

lessing still wasn't comfortable with her so Blessing decided to join a ga

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