people cowered in fear. The population of humans in the surround
e forever in the life after death."
unsure of what to refer to this anomaly
etting assaulted by five able-bodi
ght, dude?" One of the freaks comment
freak agreed, raising her yu
Nagano e
ared by a large mutant. It forced him to beho
oke. She was helpless, and her husband
spark of light rushed through. Before the corpses could comprehe
ber from her body as she quickly turned
s rugged, sinew muscles that had been honed to perfection. With a face that only spelt bu
a die, mister?" Kai innoce
" His smile reassured the youn
Mr. Nagano picked up his wife and sought to
ointed out the bigger picture. She hoped her so
see him?"
heir heads '
r life... and mine too." He r
him, he had already rush
right?" Mr. Nagano reminded her. "'You should always show
appening right now! And you're letting him go?" Mrs. Nagano dared to
ady long gone." Hiroshi enlightened Akari. "Beside
where there are heroes to save us from v
have awakened from the dead? As crazy as it sou
of Kai's vision that the people would be saved. He stuck
ty," a monster flirt
queal that invited the a
I sever technique's target's head. This is probably by means of Seance.
chopping off the head of the monster
eamed, witnessing the quick demise of th
re you,
world one after the other. The hero could only do this much. He switched gears and found
here w
ure Mea
miko's excitement was e
our aim,
ealed his name. "
en't you aware of your role a
well awar
n to misuse your powers like thi
weet little boy than any of the humans. You and I are we
h your technique, or be prepa
at if you kill me now, my technique wouldn't s
red. "You would do no
which Shujin held dear had its eternal worth to her. Claiming the lives of every hu
chance have you seen a man in a white outf
an see me? He's onl
pleted. A kick to the medula from be
ursed. "You're willing to hurt yo
stand now, Yumiko. Soon enough you will.
s right arm. "Do I need t
ound by an unknown force. Blood splattere
dry are eradicated from Japan, my technique
Shujin readied fo
ght because of me
emanated from her, blasting Kai a great distance from wher
y duty. You can't force them to change. Their minds are made up already
led in the grand facade of her technique's supreme art. An army of
blast, she invited Shuj
ric Ar
Conjured from nothingness, azure flames sparked unto reality.
n, the flames began to converge
al words to Yumiko echoed the f
Sakura Grove and all of Tokyo alike were succumbed to the overwhelming
e to only damage the resultants of th
ated, killed by the cons
nbeknownst to him, The remnant of Yumiko's body being her upper
something worse than death. Hear me now... the emotion of pain overwhelming my being will be the starting poin
orehead, he sealed his memories of the event that had occurred that day. Placing his left p
Kai. See y
he top of her lungs as she was
fine. "He's just unconscious. Let's take him home
, the Nagano family embark
mething?... Have you eve