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Chapter 4 Saved me

Word Count: 1618    |    Released on: 28/12/2023

suck but I have decided to accept my fate. At least becoming a stepmother is better than staying in dad's apartment. A person named Dave had to be a boy. After selecting several types of

!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes. She's seriously scolding me. Now she's acting like a big sister. "I'm sorry" I muttered and she just rolled her eyes. "It's fine. What are you gonna do now?" She asked and I sighed. "I'm just gonna look for a job to get myself busy. I won't be working with dad anymore. He already made Elena the manager and had promise to handover 80% of the company shares to her" I said. "What?" Mira gasped. "He's such a cruel man. How could he do this to you. You're also his daughter!" She scoffed. "I don't care about any of them anymore. I just wanna live. Excuse me Mira, I got to pee" I muttered and stood up to leave. I left Mira and went to look for the restroom. I was still searching when a young man approached me. "Well, hello gorgeous." Raising a brow, I let my eyes rack over him before a sigh escaped me. "No." "No what?" He asked. I scoffed. I know this type. "Yeah, no," I snorted. "Look, I don't know what you have in mind when you approached me, but I'm not interested, honestly" I said. "Stop playing hard to get. I'm interested in you!" He asked and I scoffed again. "No, I am not the kind of woman to lead a guy on. I am genuinely not interested... I'm sorry, I didn't get your name..." "Alexander," he replied. "What might your name be?" "My name?" The question followed with laughter as he nodded his head. "It's... I'm not interested." I wasn't trying to be this straight forward, but I also wasn't going to beat around the bush. I grew up with the philosophy that it was better to be forward and to the point. He stared at me for a moment with disbelief as I tilted my head, curious about his response. But in shock, he simply smiled. "I like it," he claimed as he tried to lean closer, my eyes widening as I quickly moved back. Was he really trying to make a move on me? "Excuse me, but I told you I wasn't interested," I snapped as I continue walking. "Where are you going, beautiful?" He said. Spinning on my feet, I watched as he stumbled his way towards me. It was clear now this guy had been drinking, and from the way he kept looking at me, he only wanted one thing. "Look, I will say this slower for you, so you understand. I'm not interested, honestly." Laughter left his lips as he walked towards me. "You don't have to lie." "I can assure you I am not lying," I replied, backing away from him. "Now, please just leave me alone." "Leave you alone?" He laughed again. "Women wish they could be in your shoes. I am one of the most eligible men here in this city...." "Please, stop!" I yelled at him as he pushed me into the wall. My heart raced, and my palms were clammy. The last thing I want

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