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Chapter 5 Hydra Company

Word Count: 1112    |    Released on: 28/12/2023

with today?" Octavia ask

ut you," June confesse

rop it okay?"

. . . . . .


rday with one of the people they were planning to work with but the meeting had been

ad forgotten about the meeting after he

roduced him to another lady who he actually found intriguing not because she was beautiful or anything but because

bra, as he could see her nipples poking out of her b

te?" He was open to any ans

to the back of the house. He was sure he saw his mother looking at the tw

appen, it was her doing fo

room, he placed his hand on

so I could see you clearly," K

tuation, they were both adults here and he d

he didn't want her to be uncomfortable or caught unawares


you," Keir continued clearing the air of

but that wasn't enough for Keir, he needed words so h

a yes o

e current situat

ered her. As he had earlier predicted she was not wearing any bra or underwear

instantly remind

t up, it was fun for him and it seemed

her gown when they were done

t up in his naughty fantasy when he saw her breast he had


her. "I will leave first or


t her alone that a thought came to his mind that he h

. . . . . . . .

on, what do you think? Octavia said wrap

her suggestion. It was unusual for

this week," Oc

s week is out of it, I have some me

avia asked raising her

re," Keir warned as they

it was certainly not now, he had a lot of work on his table a

ng up in her bed instead of

is week was for work

He asked. He was alwa

ia replied. She had noticed of late, they seemed to be more sexual than usual, it

re they could hang out and talk about their life, it had been a while since she hea

this, I just feel it is getti

we don't need to add so much pressure on each other," Keir replie

w was y

when they had a proper conversation after being intimate, in fact, it was almo

what I am saying,

r as he could see she was in a mood today, he wondered if her period day was close by as it

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