. Others may walk it with you,
g, with her body curled into a fetal position, under the bed. She pressed her legs tightly
en once," Anne said softly, as she loo
pulled Blue's body, but the girl wo
ll said, it soun
at Kessell and then rubbed her eyes, before the o
n in front of Kessell and Anne, who
ere?" Anne patted her head.
s still sleepy. But, when she saw Kessell stand up and was about to leave,
clutched the hem of his jacket, h
He shook off Blue's hand and made her releas
ecause he told her to do that, she would agree, after
to the door when he was about to leav
ld inside that house and all the clothes there were mostly for men. She didn't have many
Anne with Blue, the little girl was wearing a br
like, thus she wanted t
cent here for the little girl," Anne explained, as she made a call. Sh
Gael said lightly, he liked how Anne and Blue t
an old lady and a
not a safe place anymore. You will be at
h Anne to the shopping center, following the ol
ruggled internally to know who the little girl w
llegitimate daughter of one of the three
Elmwood residence, didn't agree with that, a
e Ethan , who was watching a football ga
stion, but when she was ignored, she took the remote a
asked, tempted to burn
want Ke
owled annoyed, he flicked his finger an
since he had come home," Blue said sull
d above her head into a simple bun. She looked very cute, but unfortunat
an 's arm and even when she got a da
to the room, with a cigarette in one han
other," he said, laughing when Ethan
his arm, she almost fell from the sof
fingers, her claws had emerged, it was her reflex when she thought she would fall and
r claws!" Ethan
n a low voice. She felt wronge
his hand to heal himself and then walked away, le
d sullenly after Ethan was
ot where Ethan had been sitting earlier. "Don't m