img The Billionaire's Treasure  /  Chapter 2 Second Degree Burns | 7.14%
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Chapter 2 Second Degree Burns

Word Count: 3723    |    Released on: 05/01/2024

dio apartment, she quickly went about her morning rituals, appreciating the simplicity and solitude that her little sp

tepmother, Maria, and sister, Tasha, painted Joanna as involved with a married man. Despite her vehement denials and suspicions

of her marriage and demanding severe punishment for Joanna. Don, crushed by the perceived betrayal of his principled daugh

ith odd jobs obtained through a temp agency. The financial support from her father vanished, leaving her financ

of convincing him to cut off her academic pursuits. Instead, he chose to withhold financial support, leaving Joanna to naviga

in Joanna's daily life, but she approached each day with resilience, de

e need for her to gain experience elsewhere. The real reason, however, was Don's reluctance to associate the family business with the scand

rcent of the shares left to her by her late mother. This shareholding surpassed even Don's,

ully poisoned Joanna's reputation within their social circles. Maria's operatives surveilled Joanna, gathering information on her job searches and movements.

viduals made Maria's schemes disturbingly effective, further hindering Joanna's attempts to secure employment. Despite her academic achievements and potential c

assistance. Fortunately, the professor's son, Leon, worked for Magnum Group, a sizable company that had multiple openings fo

tion, promptly reported the coercion attempt to the police, leveraging his close friendship with a high-ranking

she orchestrated a plan to make Joanna's work life unbearable. The friend, paid by Maria, colluded

resentment festered, fueled by the fact that Don had chosen Joanna's mother over her. As Joanna navigated the challenges thrown her way, Maria

itize her preparations, she chose to ignore the call, planning to return it later. Opting for a professional yet stylish look, Joanna se

ceous figure that turned heads and a radiant, down-to-earth demeanor that resonated with those around her. With a final g

, embracing vigilance as a guiding principle. Upon reaching the office, she headed straight to the conference room, determined to

sted an underlying tension. Joanna explained her early presence in the conference room, emphasizing he

n, water, and a napkin for each attendee," Agatha instructed, leaving Joanna to navigate the subtle currents of tension that seemed to linger in the

her instructions carrying a hint of tension. As Joanna focused on her setup, meticulous

, breathing audibly to emphasize her displeasure. Joanna, engrossed in her preparations, eventually looked up, offe

with Agatha's apparent disdain setting the stage for a subtle battle that would unfold during the upcoming meeting. As Joanna worked dil

g the city, had earned a reputation as a prominent tourist attraction. Recognizing the potential of this natural beauty, the headquarter

e proposals were slated for presentation that day, in front of the headquarters' delegate. Magnum Group aimed to invest

r outdoor activities. The Operations and Production department, including all the Operations Analysts, were task

future of the company's investment in this prime location, marking a significant moment for both the Operations and Production department and the broader Magnum Group of Companies

Joanna, sipping on her hot tea. As Joanna glanced away, Agatha executed a calculated move

skin to prevent any burns. The commotion drew the attention of everyone in the room. Joanna,

reenish stain left by the tea on her pants. Agatha, feigning remorse, apologized

ent after all." Closing her laptop, Joanna headed towards the restroom to attend to

ned fixed on Joanna's laptop and the attached flash drive. As the presentations began and the room's focus shifted to the speaker, Agath

a, upon her return, would find her laptop devoid of the crucial presentation materials. Agatha reveled in the satisfaction of

een her pants and the skin on her thighs made it unbearable. Grateful for the nearby private clinic, she decided t

ent, you may need to wait a bit longer." Joanna nodded but couldn't hide the desperation in her eyes. "Please, I got burnt with hot tea

re; do you work in the next building?" Joanna affirmed, and the sympathetic nurse inter

r. The nurse examined the burns and was taken aback by the severity-swollen skin, red patches, and blisters forming in s

the bed, she couldn't help but wonder about her streak of bad luck. Eventually, the doctor arrived, examined her burns, applied medi

eckup to see if your wounds are healing well." Joanna picked up her prescription, expresse

ief Operating Officer (COO) of Magnum Group, noticed the absence of the third presenter. Turning to Agat

I believe the two presentations should be good for you to pick from. Ms. Johnson does not appear to be

ou earlier, and she excused herself to clean herself. Maybe someone should check on her." Abigail, feeling uneasy, commented, "

realize that you can lose your job with that kind of behavior at work?" Agatha smirked as Joanna explained, "Forgive me, sir, but the accid

w, as the doctor administered a pain shot." Mr. Banda, displaying a sense of fairness, then said, "If you are

but it was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes, Mr. Banda, feeling time constraints, announced they needed to return

d to my flash drive when I left earlier, but I have a backup. Please give me a minute to set up my presentation." Af

tentive and impressed throughout. Agatha, upset that her plan had failed, watched as Joanna answered questions sati

tations. Frustrated and seething with resentment, Agatha couldn't believe that both Joanna and Rachel had been chosen for the important

she strategically informed Rachel, perhaps hoping to use her influence or gain an ally against Jo

or the presentation at headquarters on Mo

ck, responded, "W

ere both chosen to go to headquarters to p

ion of this crucial information by Agatha. Grateful for Rachel's t

d. She turned on her laptop, opened the email forwarded by Rachel, and absorbed the details. Despit

na's resolve to shine at the upcoming presentation. The stage was set for a pro

rters. The head office had arranged for transportation, scheduling a pick-up at 9 am from their downtown off

received from the delegate during the previous session. Determined to address any potentia

y points, and anticipating the possible queries that might come her way. Despite Agatha's att

hey ordered their coffee and started to chat. "Hello Agatha," Maria sa

ng rid of Joanna from Magnum. I paid you well, and still, a year later, no results.

pany, but she still holds on to the job. On Monday, I deliberately poured hot tea on her thighs to avoid her fro

for me. Everyone is beginning to see that I am unfair and hostile towa

n your agency. "No madam, just be patient, I will come up with something." Maria was becoming impatient and needed the work done immediately. Agatha on t

was not aware of the presentation today, she would miss the presentation and of coz Headquarters would call. She would then fire Joanna for not att

sure from Maria's impatience, explained her struggles in trying to remove Joanna from Magnum. The deliberate act of pouring hot tea o

and threatened to use her connections to make things difficult for Agatha within the company. Agath

to exploit this information. She intended to let Joanna miss the presentation, leading to a call from headquarters questionin

nd resilient, was on her way to face yet another challenge at the headquarters. The battle

did they know that Joanna had already discovered the upcoming opportunity. As they exchanged satisfied smiles i

a and Maria, Joanna was fully aware of the challenge that awaited her at the headquarters. She had gathered information,

planted in her path. The unfolding drama in the world of Magnum was about to take an unexpected

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