hearted I take t
ee, the wor
h before me leadin
t Wh
d aimlessly about the lighted thoroughfares of the capital with conscious pleasure in the movement and color of life. He let his eyes follow the Washington Monument'
iously lifted his hat, though the Ambassador was deep in thought and did not see him. Armitage struck the pavement smartly with his stick as he walked slowly on, pondering; but he was conscious a moment later that
was warm, to give an impression of ease, and when he had reached the somber facade of the Treasury Building he paused and studied it in the glare of the electric lights, as though he were a chance traveler taking a preliminary view of the sights of the capital. A man still lingered behind him, drawing nearer now, at a moment when they had the sidewalk comparatively free to themselves. The fellow was short, but of soldierly erectness, and ev
stopped suddenly and spoke to the man in the casual ton
en across the street; if you continue to fol
ng me; and the
won't do! If
You do me a
the trouble to follow me. Now I'm going to finish my walk, and I beg you to keep out of my
face came into the full light of the street
aused him to change his mind. Two policemen were walking slowly toward
had so promptly put a spy as well as the Servian assassin on his tra
de and he looked up to find the same man he had accosted at the Treasury Building lifting his hat,-an American soldier
I am not a spy. But it is wond
discovery, with an alert plea
n thrust his hand into his trousers pocket. "I should hate awfu
ightly the railing that protected the glass window of the book shop. As Armitage turned away impati
remember me, and the great forest, where
erce insistence, his eyes blazing
y. He was silently absorbed for a full minute, in which the man who had followed him waited. Taking his cue from Armitage
de range of time and place as he stood there. Then he spoke very
ew American and wait in
hand went
of t
with a gesture. "My
"I advise you to r
way, and Armitage
nd he returned to the New American, got his key from the office, nod
door, and then, when the two stood face to face in hi
want?" he dem
with a kind of stupefied wonder. Then there flashed into the fellow's bronzed face something of dignity and resentment. He stood perfe
e replied humbly, speaking slowly
atisfied," said Armitage.
Oscar B
tinized the man again with
ou have followed me in the streets to make
been looking for you since, and saw you leave your horse
a living, Mr. Breu
s ago and came to Washington to see where they make the government-yes? I
behind him when he gave the order to charge. Then a curious thing happened. It may have been the contact of eye with eye that awoke question and response between them; it may
and repeated, ve
ars sprang into his eyes. Armitage
e door, opened it, and peered into the hall, locke
untry, did you, and have borne
n the Phili
es, emolume
the surgeon could not f
e sorry and gave me a ce
id the man, so succinc
age l
, Oscar; honor me b
xtended, but would not light it. He held it rather
,-Mr.-Armitage; b
r is dead
od man," sai
I am dead, Oscar; do you grasp the idea? You were a good friend when we we
feet and stood at at
ghed and sla
rgeant Oscar! Sit down.
are not without thei
scar nodded his head solemnly
solutely. You have no confi
soldier? I have no friends; they are u
t or struck with a knife, and if you are willing to obey my orders for a few weeks we may be able to do some business. First, rememb
ded his com
or Oscar to be dumb. I u
ealth, his simple character was so transparently reflected in
e equally discreet-able to be deaf when troublesome
d a trunk and took out an envelope from which he drew several papers and a small map, which he un
you could fi
hard over it fo
y recorded deed which conveyed to himself the title to two thousand acres of land; also a curiously complicated abstract of title showing the successive transfers of ownership from colonial days down through the years of Virginia's splendor to the dread time when battle
a far
wn, Lamar, studying the country, keeping your mouth shut, and seeing what the improvements on the ground amount to. There's some sort of a bungalow there, built
bedding should be provided. I want you to take full charge of this matter and get to work as quickly as possib
satisfied with th
ay reach you promptly. If you get an unsigned message advising you of-let me consider-a shipment of steers, you may expect me any hour. On the other hand, you may not se
appear in this hotel. If you shou
been, here
tage, smiling. "You r
st, to serve
peaks very bad German, you will do well to keep out of his way,-unless you find a good place
country," assented Oscar,
I am going to give you money enough to
, counted out twenty new one-hundred-do
served Oscar, counting
on-perhaps eggs; a cow may be necessary,-who can tell without trying it? Don't write me a
m carelessly. Then John Armitage bought an armful of magazines and newspapers a