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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1625    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

from a taxicab, pushed open the swing doors of the large general office and enquired for Mr. Kendrick. Without a moment's delay he was shown into Roger Kendrick's private room, b

es were handled longingly. Those of the firm who were members of the Stock Exchange abandoned

s keen and bright, carrying himself like a man who knows himself and his value, John Wingate would have appeared a formidable adversary in any game in which he chose to take a hand. Whatever his present intentions were, however, he seemed in no hurry to decla

mistake so many good women make-the reformer's passion. Dredlinton's rotten to the core, though. No one could reform him, could even influence him to good

having altogether the air of an unhapp

hrugged hi

e all the time with the necessity of making the best of things for the sake of other people. Lady Dr

nt you a wireless for?" Wing

for figures like yours. In some respects, these fellows seem to have had the most amazing luck. Unless we come to an understanding with Russia w

stern Europe were shocking,"

an driblets can be expected from anywhere, except, of course

of the Government's


e auspices of the B. & I. stood in their own name, the matter would appear in a different light, but they've been infernally clever with all these subsidiar

for some minutes in thoughtful silence. The telephone rang

ick?" a voi

" Kendrick

rom right away opposite.

York is a cli

ver to Wingate and paused for a moment


s," Phipps continued. "If he is in any way disposed to be a seller, we are bu

ty?" Kendri

Mr. Wingate feels like coming in big. Anyway, we're rea


be seeing

rning, p

observed, "as I saw him step into your office half an hour ago. G

ndrick promised

their receivers. Ken

w's a sport, anyw

nts me to sell him wheat, eh? It looks a good thing at these prices, Ke

in commodities which have to be delivered on a certain date alwa

to-day is scandalous. If the B. & I. forced it up any hi

n't recko

e, I want to view the matter in all its bearings. I can't conceive any private firm bein

" Kendrick pointed out, "to trac

en box upon the office table, lit it

d probably shake hands if we met, we might even sit down at the same table, but we know the t

rt of this feelin

shall hate Peter Phipps as long as I live, for the sake of the girl he ruined, and he will hat

. "He told me it was done in a s

he drawing-room of his Fifth Avenue house. He'll never lose that scar. He'll neve

introduce feelings of this sort

"It makes one careful. I'm not s

intment to the office

ally, I

went on, drawing a sheet of paper from the rack and writing on it rapidly. "That will keep your office busy for a time. I'll give you a cheque for fift

s glistened as he loo

ate," he said. "You'll mak

yhow, it will keep you people busy and serve

drick asked, brea

aper it still looks a good thing to sell them wheat, you know. Peter Phipps has

man being, and I can't hold a couple of million pounds' worth of

ingate replied. "I'm going to

s will be all buzzing away in a minute. I'll send Je

t the Milan," Wingate app

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