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One More Shot At LOVE

One More Shot At LOVE

Author: Salmatsadiq
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Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 2030    |    Released on: 15/01/2024


the flight attendant urged passengers to "wait until the

rty-four hours, two layovers, and too many time zones to tally. She was lucky enough to have completed the customs process upon

The only bright spot was that Julia could get sidetracked by Zoë, Amelia's sister, and the hurried wedding planning. Amelia intended

was coming home. Even though Amelia wasn't sure she was ready to cope with "home"

rs, attempting to get off the aeroplane. Rather, she turned to face the tarmac outside the window. As airline baggage handlers and other suppor

Melbourne was in the high thirties. A day and a half later-which, with the time difference, was three days, despite the entire flying time only being about twenty-two hours (not in

d? She was ignorant. Amelia had never once giv

e would live and die, but at

p and retrieving her carry-on bags from the overhead bin. She exited the aircraft with the remaining survivors,

rt while she was out and about. She let out a sigh w

'll text you an estimated time of

er fiancé, Blake, had already arrived, or they had

blouse immediately. The scarf and overcoat, which she had discarded upon boarding the aircraft, now weighed excessively on her arm. Perhap

y to run straight into a wall of masculinity. She bounced off and was about to fall,

s she stepped back and gazed up at


ords. They were in an airport, she was jet tired, and she wasn't ready. This was not how it was intended to happe

hough nine months wasn't much, she could see he had changed based on the tightness in his jaw and the fatigue arou

ense, given that his blonde hair appeared brighter, as though he had spent some time in the sun. Although she wouldn't describe him as little, he was slimme

wever, she was aware of her more subtle changes. Even by her admission, she had grown up. Upon reflection on their five-year relationship, Amelia realised she b

that was not how rel

to speak. What did it matter if her eyes were gobbling him u

l that made her blood b

ly glancing at one another as th

d your heart, what in the wo

ing balls


ia is

ed amazing

nt. Her appearance le

ilky, honey-coloured strands. She smelled just as he remembered. Smith had heard that scents could elicit st

oat, and the trousers she wore hugged her contours. He wanted to breathe her in and bury

ons. She remembered how, with her nails sinking into his exposed

for words. Although he knew he might run into her in the t

those months ago, he had been a filthy coward and had allowed her to leave his life. He ought to have pursued her, but he chos

d in his work that he'd barely seen his family. He was finally home for real; his contract expired, and the idea was to start moving on with

y gaze went

r that he was stil

way she carried herself, the way her shoulders were straight, and her chin tilted toward him rather than the earth. He thought it was good. Though he had always appreciated everything about Trina

wet dreams he'd experienced all those years before, he was

ly stopped loving her, could i

ere gazing at one other longer than was appropriate,

snapping out of the strange bubble that had e

a," he remarked as he lifted h

o move. What was the purpose? Now, Amelia had another life entirely without his presence. She moved on, realising that he had lost his shot with

x hundred

s taking off, and had been funding her trips for the last nine months. He was incredibly proud of her and longed for her comp

d through the airport and into the parking garage. As much as he wanted to

the driver's seat. He didn't let himself take a deep breath unt

He hadn't fully considered everything when he accepted the offer. Though he felt Amelia would be there, he had no idea how surreal it would

e too hurried to extend his agreement with the mines? He shook his head in disagreement. If he decided to go back to the Pilbara, Mia, his



Chapter 1 Episode 1 Chapter 2 Episode 2 Chapter 3 Episode 3 Chapter 4 Episode 4 Chapter 5 Episode 5 Chapter 6 Episode 6
Chapter 7 Episode 7
Chapter 8 Episode 8
Chapter 9 Episode 9
Chapter 10 Episode 10
Chapter 11 Episode 11
Chapter 12 Episode 12
Chapter 13 Episode 13
Chapter 14 Episode 14
Chapter 15 Episode 15
Chapter 16 Episode 16
Chapter 17 Episode 17
Chapter 18 Episode 18
Chapter 19 Episode 19
Chapter 20 Episode 20
Chapter 21 Episode 21
Chapter 22 Episode 22
Chapter 23 Episode 23
Chapter 24 Episode 24
Chapter 25 Episode 25
Chapter 26 Episode 26
Chapter 27 Episode 27
Chapter 28 Episode 28
Chapter 29 Episode 29
Chapter 30 Episode 30
Chapter 31 Episode 31
Chapter 32 Episode 32
Chapter 33 Episode 33
Chapter 34 Episode 34
Chapter 35 Episode 35
Chapter 36 Episode 36
Chapter 37 Episode 37
Chapter 38 Episode 38
Chapter 39 Episode 39
Chapter 40 Episode 40
Chapter 41 Episode 41
Chapter 42 Episode 42
Chapter 43 Episode 43
Chapter 44 Episode 44
Chapter 45 Episode 45
Chapter 46 Episode 46
Chapter 47 Episode 47
Chapter 48 Episode 48
Chapter 49 Episode 49
Chapter 50 Episode 50
Chapter 51 Episode 51
Chapter 52 Episode 52
Chapter 53 Episode 53
Chapter 54 Episode 54
Chapter 55 Episode 55
Chapter 56 Episode 56
Chapter 57 Episode 57
Chapter 58 Episode 58
Chapter 59 Episode 59
Chapter 60 Episode 60
Chapter 61 Episode 61
Chapter 62 Episode 62
Chapter 63 Episode 63
Chapter 64 Episode 64
Chapter 65 Episode 65
Chapter 66 Episode 66
Chapter 67 Episode 67
Chapter 68 Episode 68
Chapter 69 Episode 69
Chapter 70 Episode 70
Chapter 71 Episode 71
Chapter 72 Episode 72
Chapter 73 Episode 73
Chapter 74 Episode 74
Chapter 75 Episode 75
Chapter 76 Episode 76
Chapter 77 Episode 77
Chapter 78 Episode 78
Chapter 79 Episode 79
Chapter 80 Episode 80
Chapter 81 Episode 81
Chapter 82 Episode 82
Chapter 83 Episode 83
Chapter 84 Episode 84
Chapter 85 Episode 85
Chapter 86 Episode 86
Chapter 87 Episode 87
Chapter 88 Episode 88
Chapter 89 Episode 89
Chapter 90 Episode 90
Chapter 91 Episode 91
Chapter 92 Episode 92
Chapter 93 Episode 93
Chapter 94 Episode 94
Chapter 95 Episode 95
Chapter 96 Episode 96
Chapter 97 Episode 97
Chapter 98 Episode 98
Chapter 99 Episode 99
Chapter 100 Episode 100
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