img Picked up the System  /  Chapter 5 If you don't tame me, then hang you on an electric pole | 50.00%
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Chapter 5 If you don't tame me, then hang you on an electric pole

Word Count: 1797    |    Released on: 18/01/2024

o a BMW-3 series. A B


lso a person wi

ust smi

el ana



tual en

al resis


der A Ho, martial arts pr

l arts, don't know inte

e any drugs that can e


ch succ

sect pill (50 ac

the host, that object will be attacked by nine dark insects


soul a

when the opponent is in a dangerous situation (Link) Lang Than was excited when he heard ab


became unsightly again, "so weak, after looki

m for so


ch succ

pill (300 accu

increases the user

y this

o not qualify, so the sys

buy soul r




of shock and his mind became more comfortable, everyth

nuously and silently shouted, "How strange." After running for 5 minutes, I

you know whe

A Ho, A Bao imm

ow A Ho? Yes, I

e me

te a few abandoned houses. As he walked, he was filled with fear bec

o you want to

then nodded in agreement. The man behind him could now be as strong as his big


but he stopped the car a

ul: c


ng to control, cumulative p

d, feeling like someth

ht from me, you will end up in a haunted house. Ju


to use things like fairies like this, the future ahead do

me La

, Lan

o a rather large house, in the middle of th

hieu has

, co

lder telling him to step back. I don't know when, in Lang Than's hand, an ancient golden sword

pirit attack s



sword techniqu

spiritual sword attack:

ed sword strokes, then slashed down hard, a 3 meter long sw


knew where the sword energy fle

s old man, ah,

him rolled his eyes and said, "Are you a monster, are y

ke me to t

the door was vandalized, a group of people in the house ran out. They sa

ooked at Lang Than

like to ta

oom, a desk, and a chair facing the window as if someone i

m his forehead to his eye, his face was very fierce, his body was countless times bigger t

el ana




tual en

al resis


of Thap Nhat black gang, practicing

saw him disappear on the spot, appearing again in front of A Ho, with


im back down. A Ho's smiling face from before was still there but a bit strange, because his chin was dented after Lang T

z, so

thinking that his decision to f

tepped on A

me o

re good, why do

uy seems to be

immediately wanted to run to advise Lang Than. I only saw this great ma

A Ho and ran all the way to the


ent, his face deter


an sigh

s to buy a rope th


ch succ

raided by the silk of a normal

ilkworm is al

bend down and strip A Ho of his clothes, he looke

g body but da

g Lang Than's words, he continued to spit out another mouthful of blood, his face t

s strong and everything about him w

lease forgive me, I su

smiled evilly, untied the rope, waited for him t

I saw Lang Thieu returning, behind him was A Ho who was respec


Bao, believe me, if you make trouble ag

g Than slowly spoke. Hearing the

I was promoted? A Bao's expression immediately c


s Techniques (30

Qi Refinement stage, the next 3 levels of Bamboo Foundation stage, the

this real

an Stage, Becoming Anh Stage, Magic Refining Stage, Holy Body Stage, Transcendence Stage, Mahayana Stage, then if you can connect with the Immortal World, absorb When you absorb a li

nce we're done here, I'll definitely have

y I can pass this

ut confucius, they will know

y, exc



hile. He told them to practice hard so they could work under

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