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Chapter 3 Habits Over Love

Word Count: 1489    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

, come on, let's go to the cigarette shop and have something." Manish declined, saying, "No, bro, I have to go home." Vishal insisted, "What home? Just come with me." Despi

If she truly loves you, she will accept you as you are. So quit trying to make her happy." Manish insisted, "No, bro, it's not like that." Vishal asked, "Then what is it?" Manish replied, "I do not want to do these shitty things anymore." Vishal questioned, "What do you mean, these shitty things? You enjoyed these things, and we used to have fun this way." Manish countered, "What if you fell in love? What would you have done?" Vishal dismissed love, saying, "Bro, love is nothing. Okay, now answer my questions. If you think I am wrong, then you can go." Manish ref

e doubted her. Manish clarified that he just wanted to hear the truth. Adrita replied, calling him an idiot, and confessed her love for him. Manish then asked if she would accept him with all his flaws and mistakes. Adrita assured him that she accepted him as he was. Manish then asked if she would still love him if he continued smoking and engaging in other wrongdoings. Adrita replied that she would still love him, but it would be better if he stopped doing those things. Finally, Manish as

d sat at the back of the class, not talking to anybody. Safal approached him and asked, "What happened, bro? Are you alright?" Man

's just my mind. I'm having thoughts that I can't control." Mrs. Renu smiled and said, "Come to my home in the evening. I live near the shop where you and your f

ep here?" Manish replied, "Yes, I will meet you at the cigarette shop. You go ahead." Vishal inquired, "Where are you going?" Manish responded, "I am going to meet Adrita." Vishal advised, "D

m, I am my true self. When I am with you, I do not want to do anything wrong, and that is making me..." Adrita interrupted, "Making you what?" Manish replied, "I do not know." Adrita stated, "If you want to end the relationship, it is okay. But remember, will you leave every new thing in your life because of your addiction? If the answer is yes, I will leave you forever. If you say no, then I will tell you what I saw in you." Manish declared, "No, I will not leave new things for the past." Adrita said, "Now listen and then act. We will decide our future right now, whether we should be together or separate. Manish asked, 'What is it?' and she replied, 'Calm yourself and answer my five simple questions.' Manish said, 'Okay.' She began, 'My first question is, who are you?' He responded, 'What kind of question is that? I am Manish.' She nodded and continued, 'Now, the next question is, why are you like this?' Confused, he asked, 'What do you mean?' She clarified, 'I mean your personality. Why is it like this?' He confidently replie

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