hter, and last child of the late plantation owner; Mr. Gabriel. I was raised s
en I was three years of age, my elder brother died due to a sickness he had sus
was the only male child he had left, all efforts to make him change his ba
tch them do their work and also to give them little assistance. Ned was one of the hard-worki
m at birth, and his father didn't accept him because he didn't believe the child she was carryi
care of her while she travels abroad to look for greener pastures. Since her de
became my lover. We had the same childhood experience, so w
s that he will follow suit, but to my dismay, he didn't show up. I waited for an ex
randma, I greet
sponded, how are you doin
as splendi
et, he is on an errand for your
. I responded and
f the plantation to play games. After playing for some time, Ned to
is one thing you should never forget or if there is one thing you should ever
that will break what I have for you, my love for you is ti
pocket to bring out a ring). The ring has a symbol of infinity. As he pl
gave to me, my brother called Ned from behind. Ned had no other opt
ago. He kept it with him and made a promise to give it to me. On the day he took it home to show
after he refused to get married to her and accept their son, she threw it away on the night th
the same spot to get the infinity ring. She searched and
s found that same ring and is a
ces coming from the direction of our house. I ran at a great speed to che
ne of the boxes in his office at the front of our house. He returned that af
l, he told my father that he has seen my brother collecting money from the box but Ryan h
tever pleases him anytime. He didn't pay the workers, and th
ad was laid to rest, he started giving me little attention which I wasn't comfortable wi
of us together, he wo
to where the cattle were reared. Ryan tried to find out where our new spo
ked him to kneel before him. He gave him several rounds of knocks on his head even as he rain curses on him. He
sight of seeing any human getting that kind of inhumane treatment, not to talk of the one I lov
miled and laughed loudly as he saw me cry, I coul
y brother. She sat in her car and had a good view from her tinted glass win
e wealthy lady in the car watched Ryan check if he was still conscious till the time that he loosed the rope from his hand and pushed hi
n't find him. His grandmother also searched for him but all our efforts seemed to be abortiv
didn't show up after 24 months of waiting for him.
e to our plantation, and since the time of Ned's disappearance
n infinity ring reminded me of this. I made a promise to myself to wait for him no matter how long
th me. I was being suspicious of him because he hasn't done this since our father died. As I
to come closer to him because he wanted it to be a heart tal
ld likes you and he is interested in going into a relationship with you. I have told him to come over t
an. I know what I want and I also have a say in whatever happens in my life. You ca
" Nora, you don't know anything about life, you are just 17 and you act as if you know it all. Ned has gone, belie
with your life. If he wanted to come for you, he would have done so, he le
you have a say in what happens in your life and I can't go against that, but there's one thing I want to let you know and t
elieve what he said. Ned has promised never to leave me for anyt
with my life and go out with Donald. Although, Donald
im show up, I decided to accept Donald's proposal b
w my favorite spot and know the
ay. The rain would be meant to usher us into another era. The rain wil
ccept Donald's proposal so that h
would ask me why I haven't accepted Donald's propos
into our compound. This time, he drove in a new flashy c
conversation, after engaging with them for more
ald continued in the conversati
to take me out. As usual, I agreed on the condition that it would not be in a lonely place. I alr
surprised at the same time because I never saw it coming. The only person I told what I was watching
ish I wanted, so he quickly aske
the long wooden chair that was close to me, and then asked him to get
y test. But does that mean I will agree to him if h