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Chapter 3 Angels Gift

Word Count: 514    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

was an irksome task because it always reminded me of my dire financial state. All my clothes, formal and informal were shabby, old, and worn. It had been years since I'd bought anythin

een called to several interviews the past month and, despite my impressive credentials, I hadn't been called back. I was sure the interviewers had

earned that from my Grandpa Ben. He was in his fifties when I'd been born

arried into retirement. No matter how informal an occasion he always wore a

l of my mum, who considered black ties for funerals. But Grandp

r all." He'd tell me

visit that afternoon in the hospital, where he was being treated for pneumonia. He'd been

d told me. "Remember you are ad

t I don't have mone

leave it to me, I

and you are planning to wave to t

just might have a wan

e more and I ba

g when my mum called to t

were still alive, talking to him about my fina

ere to help". I muttered as I stuff

ked up the hamper, and

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