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The Revenge Went Wrong

The Revenge Went Wrong

Author: Your Majesty
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2334    |    Released on: 07/02/2024


IN when he saw his brother Nathan s

im. he even smiled at a woman who passed in front of them whose chest was almost bulging from wearing a two piece. "It's a girl who m

n his eyes. He looked around slightly. It's not as crowded as it is crowded at VF

o stay at their hacienda. If his older br

ould rather take care of the hacienda than enjo

ime. It's not that you're always serious about life


eases, it

better because

to their parents. On his case, his brother is the opposite. since he has served in the church for several years, he feels that even having a relat

e she was. Because she was wearing a shade, she was able to observe him freely. He couldn't deny that h

want to take his eyes off her beautiful f

You'll see, I can date that too. Or I'll be with him later." There was a smile on his lips as he kept his eyes

ked at the woman who was walking away. He seemed to want to cover

Nash? even

t's not just

ut his eyes remained fixed on the woman who couldn't take his eyes off of

nt of his manhood which was still hard. Damn, what's w


he was going to the Philippines from New York. Until that momen

y. and until now he still can't accept the loss of hi

hocked him a lot. he had brain cancer and it was less than four months ago when Ivy's symptoms appeared. What'

got worse did he consult a doctor. And the

the hospital where he was, his condition was very bad. If his brother hadn't in

ediately went

saw that he felt sorry for her. The last time they were

is affected by what happened here. Since he is an only child. Because in the Phil

orway, but that was not an obstacle because their communication continued

he two of them and their mother, Mila Cross, design each jewelry collection they release, she is a retired nurse in Norway. because of t

emembered the reason why he went straight to

Joanna," said I

you do... do

uldn't even hug her because her thin body was already very sensitive. Even though he was

g as you're having fun.'' He force


m. Joanna, I'm s-sorry. I did

ret affair b-

me. I want h

ca family is well known there. their p-eldest son avenge me s-for him. Loved h

inful..." he slowly

side of his eyes. That's a s

nd almost everything he tells him is all happy things that happened here. And San

as referring to when he heard the

was as if his so

was seeing a flatli


s chest tightened. ((N-No. 'Don't please, Ivy!!!') he almost gestured to his

from hugging his li

being brought back to the Philippines according to Ivy's request. Ivy's grandparents are also b

as referring to. And who was that man because his friend never

ed. Tom

duled but he made a change flight to the Philippi

ng trip as she laid her back on the sof

ately to a res

ays while the pl

over so that tomorrow he has the strength of his body.

ent the whole day inside the cottage because he felt that his body still wanted to

orning. After breakfast, he first walked along the beach. He even smiled when a small w

ve earlier, Eunice," said the woman

thers had to notice me," said the other who boasted about the two-piece

left stunne

palms bowed. "Get ready, Villa Franca." He promises that he

cause the sun is not that hot on the skin anymore. wearing a black see through under a red two-piece she occup

lounges away from where he was. Why was it difficult for him to look back at her carefully. sh

us yet so hot an

praise a man! you have a missi

ed what he was doing and left the man where he was. But his repriman

the back rest of

s? He said dum

o handsome, he even thought that he might be gay because it seems that women don't have a crush on him, i

ghtly regretted it. It is still fashionable t

ned to the sea. "Too bad

thers!" accented scream of

ooked around. But he didn't see any m

eyes narrowed when he realized that it was t

the two? He

f in life. and the other doesn't seem to have a car

ther Nash, som

in life. You are not getting

ischievous-looking man say to the

sappeared suddenly and was replaced by hatred. "Finally, we meet. Get ready." because he already had an idea of ​​who the Villa Franc

is already wearing a shade. And for the first time he turned on her. Out of the

fore deciding to take a shower

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