img Touch Of Death  /  Chapter 1 Our man | 3.33%
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Touch Of Death

Touch Of Death

Author: Dazi mae
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Chapter 1 Our man

Word Count: 2345    |    Released on: 12/02/2024


my right hand and made an attack but our man is really good because he stopped my hand and He was abo

ed to me. It looks like he was hit in his left shoulder and stabbed in his right stomach

own, I slowly opened my e

you to th

ake me to my c-condo. I'

to the hospit

doctors. They

the urge to curse and insult the specialists. I was jus

you? And why are y

your old car, it's the only one that's easy to open"

condo. I made him sit on the couch and I was

s already closed. I came closer and put my hand on his nose and I was relieved be

kly took it and went out to a door. When I opened it, I

in and rummaged through his closet. When I saw a bimpo, I immediately left his room and went to his kitchen. I ope

ace and he seemed to fe

, he didn't answer but he opened his chin a li

p. I have seen men without clothes but I don't know that I am ashamed to look at him. I h

position. When I saw that it was fine, I put a blanket on him and properly placed it on his body.

d I did goo


cause I liked the mixture. I looked at Maya who was

will immediately notice the face of the Spanish race which is similar to the one we got from our fathers. Her features are so

t that time it was like we were inseparable.

cold stare and she bites her lip. I laughed mockin

at making p

eeds your signature, and we need your fingerprint to open Tito Casper's vault. That

ond name and my father's name. I want t

the company and our house! Are you happy Maya? You that you are my blood relatives ignored me. Your parents are sh*t! Then now you meet me because you

arranged my things then lo

the k

tress, and saw that she was struggling with the drinks she was carrying. Looks

and walked towards the table he was talking about. When I go

I got close, I placed their order an

smiled at them sweetly and

ut before I could sit with them, my eyes wandered to the entrance of the bar and the man I never thou

nd the crazy thing is that he is also l

you s

nice though and they don't seem to be drunk. They're looking at me intently but I didn't feel scared, the

ou her

een six

n a while. How


lled me and I politely said goodbye to them and bef

urprised and impressed. We just finished performing and we are now here at the bar counter. Ka

houted Ellen, on

he doing here?", Chl

ere for me. I'll be lucky to be tabled by him", Agnes

some dri

d what he was doing. Jack is a bartender. Out of

lights of the bar are on a dim lights so you can't look closely at people, you won't recognize the

king at me. Do

I just smirked at

l be ahead of you two", they no

started the engine and before I could

d you g

e, your car is the

re you

iffened after hearin

t even know you. Get out of m


hell are y

to your home.

just stared at me and I couldn't

r you and I only see yo

's my

er you a better

ested Mr.

y. Jus

Who are you

. It's too crowded, yo

aw how his lips rose up a

e beau

are an

*hole li

ut that sh

dimir f*ck

at me, making me laugh raw. I unbuckled my seatbelt an

he came out and called me three times "hey woman

ow is too dark. There were no cars passing so I could walk freely

id you

nt to go out

re st

t! You

t back to

back when you'

come w

f his grip and without saying anything I turned my back on him and walked quickly. What is he doing he

o protect me. I can smell his addictive scent and feel his rushing heartb

and he quickly lifted my face so our eyes

you h

t I felt fear, not fear for myself but

hand. I looked behind us and saw a motorcycle with two riders and holding gu

saw the one behind fall because it looks like Vla

and his dead companion. After that, he revved up his motorcycle

ed harshly because even he didn't seem to recognize the man. I hugg

in d

to my car dumbfounded and unab

ed my arm again and made me face

alone", I pr

take y

lone, so please

o with

can! Leave me alone! You put my

let tha

me and I don't know why you're here in front of me now", I could feel the

o your unlucky life

't seem like a good word to come out of my mouth. Before I cou


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