img The Trail Horde  /  Chapter 6 THE INVISIBLE POWER | 13.95%
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Word Count: 1141    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

and from a side window the agent had seen Lawler coming toward the station from Warden's office. He had been sitting near the side window, but when he saw Lawler approaching the station he had

it ain't K

ppearance. His eyes were large, pale blue in color, with a singularly ingrat

r into them. They seemed to be shallow, baffling. Simmons did not permit his eyes to betray his tho

as Lawler halted midway in the room and s


ans you've got some business. I'll

t, Simmons, and I'm wanting car

indow. He now pursed his lips, drew his bro

ooped 'em up this season, didn't you

get together. I'm shipp

in' 'em

to Legget

independent con

er shipped to before Jim Lefi

gers together and squi

he shook his head slowly from side to side. Apparently he was g

t, looked at Lawler,

bothersome. There's been half a dozen other owners in to see me within the last week or

his eyes embarrassed Simmons. He flushed, cleared his th

ou! I've telegraphed every damned point on the line. This road is swept clean as a whistle. 'No cars' the

to Keegles, was in here yesterday, threatenin' to herd ride me if I didn't have a hundred cars here this day, week. He'd been to see Gary Warden-the same as you have-an'

loated with passion, he was breathing fast. But Lawler noted that hi

seemingly having e

my stock. He told me if I accepted, it meant there would be no delay, that th

shot one swift glance at Lawler, and then looked down. In that swift gl

und that made Simmons shoot

en figures on getting car

, his face fla

methin' back, eh? You're callin'


though he had suddenly been drenched with cold water. The flush left his fac

have both flared up from the same spark. I don't know whether this thing has been framed up or not. But it looks mighty suspicious. It is the first

tell what you know, because if there is a frame-up, it's a mighty big thing, and you are about as important a figure in it a

in, drew a big red bandanna handkerchief from a hip pocket and wiped some big beads of perspiration from his forehead. He was breathing fast, and his face

is brow. And now he dr

the only one in the whole bunch that I was afraid of. An' he's wise. Ther

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