earts conjoin'd
, so not
ill gaz
g our love's mo
of like inconc
se me
lone shou
ed by graciou
ing too
last go
s may then
ef for what I
yance of heav
se me
I should
d jus
d, to Death's
borders of the
n they
d not unal
d, envy, cruel
axly sweetness
reature more tha
uch a
easure, sadnes
his do thou d
scann'd from heaven
ght mea
the dim days
is eve
epest Hell, a
but quite est
t gnashing teeth
hidden lest i
ible, t
pangs of its i
in th
Face most wil
in vain
potions of
lost Love that
orders of that
pirits among
asure, sadden'
le erring most
ctual fervo
g still
ned Lov
r to all the
oss so
, when t
e clo
lush of the l
with tears i
, these ar
words, confir
nts, though fit
own prepense
ool'd the furth
knowledge to t
ve I speak wi
of that datel
urpliced Scho
ing, look in th
prime care, th
ost uncl
y the most in
ld be anythi
oul, full of
arlot's, in w
ife that is an
, this fount
a consecr
one in past al
ne hope
se me