img Hello, CEO. Don't Play with Me  /  Chapter 5 [5] | 6.17%
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Chapter 5 [5]

Word Count: 1606    |    Released on: 24/02/2024

bed the tip of her chin. In front of her, five or six dresses of different

e her recall old memories. No, they weren't. But old sto

thes that have been mixed with alcohol?"

eturned, he was furious. Giselle had done nothing for herself-at least change out of the clothes she had prepar

cohol that was accidentally splashed from

She got up from her seat after making

" said Jilly with emphas

hese clothes are more than enough to serve her tonight, right? Why ch

s still standing in the doorwa

e. Had it not been for the expensive offer mentioned during the meeting, she could be sure Gis

did not make her feel that her body was indeed in this spacious club. Even the occasional greeting that cam

h flowers and all sorts of other demands? She could only hope,

named Nami? The pretti

breath and exhaled slowly, so that she would be much calmer in facing the humiliating reality before her eyes. Although th

e fixed on Giselle as if he did not want a single word to come out of them. Not to m

long night of pain fo

sweet as honey even though her

d been scanning her carefully. Her body was exactly what he wanted it to be. His head immediately conjured up


black mask he wore, the man knew s

wrong, sir?" h

hate the dimness." The man shook his glass lightly. But his eyes never left the girl

ealed the beauty of one of her body parts, and most unexpectedly the girl had skin

I should do?" asked Gise

ff your

ape or else much bigger problems would come her way. All she could do was... pull the zipper tied behind her back slowly.

ut what? Giselle was left like this for a while. Her body was shivering slightly because the air conditioner in this room was turned on t

out anything but they do hot activities. No

g," the man said, breaking

mind. She had often heard that guests at this club sometimes asked for things beyond the normal limits. But because of

reover, it could be said that the breath that flowed through her mother's body came from Jilly. Giselle did not have the a

r get away from Jilly, she would give

r bag on the table with the wine bottle and ash

ventured closer and to her surprise, she pulled out the paper

amined every detail on the long pastel-colored dress. The embroidered cr

wear it y

very faint as neither of them wanted to give in to t

can confirm that you're perfect

the beautiful dress back into place. "What after wear

was in knots, the corners of his eyes were wet from the force of his laughter,

ress is my masterpiece. There's no way I'm ruining it anytime soon." He leaned closer to the girl n

linked in

, and I'll take you

nderstand what

Stockholm, owner of the famous fash

n this country. And because of that, s

you to wear thi

lled her by her first name, but this man in front of her,

ever come a second time, right? "If you think I'm suitable

ay to the top?" Justin


hat what was said is realized immediately. Isn't it that if we have set

came closer. Kneeling down with heartbreaking cries. "Release me from this place, sir. I

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