img The Billionaire's fragrance  /  Chapter 4 The Sparks Ignite | 12.50%
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Chapter 4 The Sparks Ignite

Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 29/02/2024

he whispers of wealth and power swirling around her like a storm. But more than anything, it was him. The mysterious man with piercing da

gling with high society, but she didn't belong in it. These events were simply part of her job, and she couldn't afford to get caught up in fant

er mind, but only temporarily. She knew her thoughts would circle back to him-Zane, as she had come to learn from overh

w him, however, came


leaning casually against a sleek black car, his dark sunglasses shielding his eyes from the midday sun. For a mom

well might. The city buzzed around him, but he appeared detached, as though he was above it all. The

brief moment, the noise of the busy street fading into the background. A half

uby thought. He's not


nd deep, just as she'd imagined it wo

had not only noticed her at the event

dark eyes glinting with amusement. "I

someone like him was talking to her, let alone acting like this was a normal enco

like he was trying to see through the mask of politeness she wore. "I d

sh of warmth in her cheeks. She was doing her b

d. "I hope you e

ething intelligent to say. "It was... so

," he said, his tone softening. "

in the glittering circles he was used to. It made her feel a little more at ease. "You'r

s. "Well, I'm glad you didn't. It's rare to meet

at him. There was something disarming about Zane, something that made her feel seen

al Zane seemed, despite his polished exterior and obvious wealth. He was charming, yes, but there was also a quiet intensity to him that drew her in.

g look, his eyes smoldering with something unspoken.

as he walked away, disappearing into t


h of his gaze on her, and it made her chest tighten with something unfamiliar-desire, maybe, or something deeper. It was ridiculous to even entert

thought made her heart race, a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins. She fantasized about their next encounter, about what

r, someone else was growin


vent. The woman had flat-out dismissed him, and while it didn't usually bother him to be turned down, something about thi

nsion beginning to build. He wasn't used to competing with Zane for a woman's attention. Usually, they didn't step on each other's toes when it came to women-there

e wasn't the type to sit on the sidelines, especially when it came

ing to make a move

had jus

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