as well if the whole matter had been allowed to die when the newspaper excitement subsided. Singularly enough, that part
sequel has never been told, for scouts do not seek notoriety, and the quiet woodland community in its sequ
t, and all the latter history of Goliath, as they called him. And I purpose to set all these matters
more primitive type of cabins looked bedrabbled, like the hair of a bather emerging from the lake, and the more substantial sh
gboard was submerged by the swollen lake, the rowboats rocked logily, half full of water, and t
ode among the rocks, burst forth from its shady and sequestered prison and came tumbling, ro
, and the Silver Fox Patrol took up their belongings and went over to the pavilion where they sat al
her for the race,"
demanded Pe
said than stung. It's good
do is eat,"
here's only one thing you don't like abou
for two hours, waiting fo
m and eggs, if we only had some eggs. We should worry. It's going to rain for forty
me for a city," said West
liked it so much they n
ll the way from Salt La
have plenty of
from Hoboken, too,"
a troop coming from Kingston next week. T
e-wee shouted. "Uncle Jeb had a let
their own h
emanded disgustedly. "How can
ant," Roy said. "Can you
an't!" Pee-
ng," said Roy. "I got a
amble eggs?" P
about eats again. Can
ait, and watch the drops as t
cept the reign of Queen Elizabeth," Roy
g and banter had fallen back on checkers and dominos and other wild sports. A few of the more adventurous and
themselves disgusted, stayed down at the bottom of the lake, out of the wet, as
opes and lifted the pegs out of the soggy ground. It buried the roads in mud. Hour in and hour out the scouts s
t of the scouts withdrew from their last entrenchment and went inside. You ha
shed itself into a gale. A few of the hardier spirits, including Roy, held their ground on the v
odden sky grew darker, and the mountainside across the lake b
atched this darkening scene with a kind of id
to be out on the l
oded hills, was somber enough at all times, and a quiet gloom pervaded it which imparted a rare charm. But now, in the grip of th
with anybody," sai
in stunts which bespoke a kind of blithe daring. No one
tain," said Will Dawson of Roy's patrol. "If the
the scouts of camp. They had not, indeed, been able to determine that it was a light; it seemed rather a tiny patch of brightnes
ze upon it, watching it c
sure," said Roy, "or we wouldn'
sphate," sa
colate soda
ferated. "Phosphate is somet
sphorus," sai
n in camp was that the bright patch was the reflection of some powe
said Pee-wee, "t
hostly darkness. And the increasing gale beat the lake, and the driven rain assailed the few stragglers on the veranda with lashing fury. And across the black w
sty Martin aroused them
d, "Look! Look at
astonished, aghast, at the sight whi