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Nathan Montgomery Rise To Riches

Nathan Montgomery Rise To Riches

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Chapter 1 .1

Word Count: 1208    |    Released on: 11/03/2024

home, one of his biggest mistakes, he had left there and walked home to the rundown apartment that he shared with his mom and two little sisters, the relationship had ended after that when she had ask

utal way and was left to care

s final year in school and that's how his dream of breaking out of poverty was shattered, of course, he hadn't given up when he couldn't finish school, far from it, he had worked his ass off to gather money and start a business but then, he h


t, Nora was entering senior year soon and he wanted her to have the basic things needed, she had wanted to get a job but he had told her no, she was too young to work, despite the fact that are the

t the food y

to come to check on them, usually, he leaves the orders at the entrance but hi

een on a roll since morning and meant to take a break for

mentally rolled his eyes, what was the use of telling him t

ering from us sir,

e on the table, he turned to l

y order before you can leave, the last

ly in the day to be pissed off already, he hated rich people and their entitled asses, hated how they got everything and anything even when they are not working, dare he stay home for one day and both him and his sib

s right unless you will go hungry, we can't have that because you

s upstairs before turning t

three days straig

Nathan couldn't h

need to k

frown and the man


stairs and Nathan wiped his head up


, she was wearing a robe, she looked shocked to see him at first but she soon blew it off and adjusted her robe before walking toward

you kn

and Nathan t

my girlf

was cheating on him with a much older man at that. The ma

will a beauty like this b

ked betwee

im, babe, he

im when just yesterday she had told him she loved him and told him she was traveling to see her family, she lied to him and made a fool ou

u are jok

he found his

ther, stop being delusional, I will never bring myself

e, he and Annie has been a thing for almost two years now, the only reason he hasn't proposed to her already was that he wanted to save up a lot before it so that she won't ha



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