img Westerfelt  /  Chapter 8 No.8 | 33.33%
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Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3236    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

all he had unconsciously clutched and torn down the curtain, and like a shroud it lay

he matter

n't know, he may be

terfelt's head and tu

hastily. "His wound has not broken; we must get

Whitecaps came; I couldn't

him, Westerfelt opened his eyes, took a long breath, and sat up. Without a

yd, as she tucked the blankets round h

sterfelt, with chattering teeth. "I knew they m

ollowed Harriet to the fireplace. "No, daught

protested Westerfelt; "I'm all right; I'll sleep like

nder. "We are only glad to be able to help. When I saw that cowardly scamp dra

Mrs. Floyd did not finish what she had started to say. Westerfelt looked at her questioningly and then closed his eyes. S

He looked at it steadily, wondering if it could be part of the strange dreams which had beset him in sleep. As the room gradually became lighter, he saw that it was a woman. Mrs. Floyd, he thought-but no, t

he touched his forehead

t; I'll be up

you must not; it

ruck his breast near the wound. "He'd have

a cry and ca

She started to turn away, bu

me. It seems mighty queer-Toot Wambush's girl takin' care of the ve

rom his clasp. "Why do

n; ain't you? Last night I he

rd me say I wo

, b

ring the fire with a poker, and wondered if her movement was that of anger or agi

ou." She gave them to him and went to the window and raised the shade, flooding the r

t before. Looking at the bottom of the last page, he saw that it was signed by Sue Dawson-S

w you thar I would jump right up before the people and drag you with yore yaller Pumpkin face full of gilt right up to her Box an make you look at yore work. It was not out of respect fur yore feelings that I did not, nuther, fur I dont respect you as much as I do a decent egg-suckin dog, but I was afraid folks would suspic

without thar was money in it. I accused him of it after I had toted the last Stick back to yore land whar he got it. He tried to deny it, but I saw the lie in his face an shamed it. Dont you bother about me. I wil

r a thing that amuses you, an as soon as you get it you turn agin it an spurn it under foot an laugh at it when it strugles in pain. Lawsy me. God Almighty dont inflict good men with that Disease, but you will have it nawin at yore Hart tel you run across some huzzy that will rule you her way. Beware, John Westerfelt, you will want to marry before l


yes. There was a clatter of dishes and pans in the back part of the house. A negro woman was out in the wood-yard, picking up chips

n she turned to him. The paper had slipped

other side of the bed, wondering if it was the yellow morning light or

ay?" He stared

you like for

s coat that hung on

bout me; I'm go

rist. "Look how you are quivering; y

cross the room. She took it from him, and laid it on a chair by the bed. She looked

d me my coa

ut her hand on his brow. Her face was soft and pleading. It

hand and hel

e friend on earth," he said. "I d

g in his plaintive tone that seemed to touch her deepl

if I was to go under, it would be awkward for your

look in her face. "Did you want to put yo


d her mother's into the same envelope. As he was putting them away he found in the same pocket a folded sheet of paper. He opened it. It was a letter from John Wambush to his

gon up with the whiskey barrel on it an I heerd them a-lopin along the road after you. I thought it was all up with you for I knowed they could go faster than you. Then I seed her run out on the back porch an help you roll the whiskey in the kitchen an close the door. An when the officers com up you was a-settin on the empty wagon talkin to her as if nothin had happened. I heard all the lies she told em about seein another wagon go whizzin down the road an I thought it was a great pity for her to do it, but she was doin it for a man she loved an I wouldent hold that agin her. A woman that loves as hard as she does would do a sight wuss than that if it was necessary. After



led it in his hand. He turned his head on the side and pressed down his pillow that he might see

girl! Oh, God, have mercy on m

t his eyes. "Did you wa

er. "Burn it, please. I

ht of the blazing paper flashed

aught his glance, so full of dumb misery that her heart sank. She went to her mother in the kitch

am afraid something h


n?" asked the ol

and out of heart. He gave it to me to burn, and I never saw such a desperate look on a

t's troubling him. Men have all sorts of things to worry about. A

, mo

knives and forks

on was here jus

, incredulously. "Why, mother,

gh the dark. I never could understand that girl. All the time she was working here she puzzled me. She was so absent-minded, and would jump

deringly at her mo

ant to hel

laughed sig

working here than I have of flying through the air at this minute. Harrie

riet, her brow wrinkling in perplexity. "He

ck with her father. I never was fooled in a woman; she is in love with him, and right now she is worried to death about him. She couldn't hide her anxiety, and asked a goo

he asked her to go with him in his buggy out home, I thought it was because she l

The night you and I spent over at Joe Long's I heard Wambush came very near being arrested with a barrel of whiskey he was taking to town, and that he managed to throw the officers off his track while he was talking to

eturned Harriet, wisely. "I wish he was in love w

y him whether or no. He is jealous of Mr. Westerfelt." Mrs. Floyd lowered her voice. "If he hadn't been, he wouldn't have fought him as he did. That is at the bottom of it, daughter, and now that he is a

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