img Claimed by the Bikers A Ménage  /  Chapter 5 The Fight | 4.50%
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Chapter 5 The Fight

Word Count: 1187    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

the door. Jax walked in. His hands and one side

ck to the bar.

p?" Raine asked pointing at th

ing baby?"

elp, then yes.

t from the cabinet, then walked into the bathroom. Raine followed

der the sink."

aned the blood off, she applied some antiseptic on

ng between his legs. And once again she can see the

ny. It's the adrenalin

s all Rain

, you wanna help take care of it f

e question truthfully with the

ie, I'll always tell you

uld you be monogamous with only me? That means no othe

jobs from other women. Just wanna make sure you fu

are fucking; I won't fuck anyo

gh. I don't share, at

ax went to the bar and hollered for Rose. She hurried to him and he put an arm

. "Hope you like second best and fuck

e hall for the guys to take it out to the dumpster. No way is sh

you walk me ou

lin." Ice

opened the door for her. She went to get in but

right now, but he'll wise up. Cha

s things happen that burn bridges that

ce replied as h

in his office. He doesn't even try to talk to Rain

ore she can watch. It sure seems like it doesn't bother him at all. She ha

he guys got handsy. They would try to grab her ass when she w

fense class. Each time she would look up to see Jax standing nearby w

feel confident to talk to Jax about the problems she saw in the

tting at the bar flaunting the girls right in her face. It was making

ate conversation with

busy right now

k takes priority over everything else. You let me know when you are interested i

x roared pissed at her cal

y huffed. "I thought we wer

e busy so go fuck one of t

come take c

e one for the tea

sat in the chair in front of his desk. Jax shut th

e got my attent

ack inventory and s

t it when it's delivered. And the regi

tch up do they

ing the profit we should be mak

one and everything in

n." H

e's trying to fuck. I also noticed he makes drinks way too stro

paying the same price. There's no way you can turn a profit when

tch him." J

ore." Rain

it out." J

out drinks. Rose doesn't ring up half her orders.

for a twenty. Also, during fights I've seen her take money

rying to take out the compet

his desk. She slammed both her h



Chapter 1 Raine Chapter 2 The Job Chapter 3 Reporting 2 Work Chapter 4 Skank Alert Chapter 5 The Fight Chapter 6 I Quit!
Chapter 7 Check Please
Chapter 8 The Date
Chapter 9 3 Days
Chapter 10 Skank Alert
Chapter 11 I Love You
Chapter 12 Ultimatum
Chapter 13 Strippers
Chapter 14 Blast from the Past
Chapter 15 Trouble
Chapter 16 Meeting
Chapter 17 Planning
Chapter 18 Dirty Cop
Chapter 19 Code Word
Chapter 20 Taken
Chapter 21 Saved
Chapter 22 Angel
Chapter 23 Need Help
Chapter 24 Childish Antics
Chapter 25 Not in the Mood
Chapter 26 Choose Now
Chapter 27 Evidence
Chapter 28 Family or Not
Chapter 29 Vixen
Chapter 30 Skank Walk of Shame
Chapter 31 Raine & Jax
Chapter 32 Kim
Chapter 33 Biker Babe
Chapter 34 ICE
Chapter 35 Red
Chapter 36 Out of Town
Chapter 37 Radio Silence
Chapter 38 Leaving Town
Chapter 39 Kim's Missing
Chapter 40 Joker's Motorcyle Club
Chapter 41 Misunderstanding
Chapter 42 Moving In
Chapter 43 Grand Opening
Chapter 44 Baby Maverick
Chapter 45 Salon Trouble
Chapter 46 Goodbye Trouble
Chapter 47 Will You Marry Me
Chapter 48 Doctor Visit
Chapter 49 Honeymoon
Chapter 50 Sam's Story
Chapter 51 Sam's Past
Chapter 52 3 Hot Dates
Chapter 53 No Home Run
Chapter 54 Vanilla
Chapter 55 Home Run
Chapter 56 Up to no Good
Chapter 57 Moving Forward
Chapter 58 Snake
Chapter 59 Doctor
Chapter 60 Proposition
Chapter 61 Threesome
Chapter 62 Baby Maverick
Chapter 63 Where's Sam
Chapter 64 Hospital Guests
Chapter 65 Secret is Out
Chapter 66 Feelings
Chapter 67 Proposal
Chapter 68 His Ex
Chapter 69 Crash
Chapter 70 Confused
Chapter 71 Limbo
Chapter 72 Lucas AKA Snake
Chapter 73 Complicated
Chapter 74 Complications
Chapter 75 He's Awake
Chapter 76 Talking Things Out
Chapter 77 How Do You Feel
Chapter 78 Can 3 Work
Chapter 79 2nd Generation
Chapter 80 Interference
Chapter 81 Couples
Chapter 82 Telling Mom & Dads
Chapter 83 Let Downs
Chapter 84 Big Fight
Chapter 85 Figuring Things Out
Chapter 86 The Talk
Chapter 87 Injuries
Chapter 88 Here We Go Again
Chapter 89 Club Blow Up
Chapter 90 Making Up
Chapter 91 Surprise Daughter
Chapter 92 Don't Exist Anymore
Chapter 93 Dead To Me
Chapter 94 Ultimatum
Chapter 95 What's Hanna Up To
Chapter 96 True Colors Come to Light
Chapter 97 I Killed Her
Chapter 98 Uncomfortable
Chapter 99 Pregnant
Chapter 100 Thirty Second Head Start
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