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My Billionaire Baby Daddy

My Billionaire Baby Daddy

Author: otuokoh
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Chapter 1 First Chapter

Word Count: 1886    |    Released on: 09/05/2024

oved you, then I saw that you were


ccompany him to his model girlfriend's fashion show she was walking in. He just could not remember why he had agreed to attend. Was he that bored? Maybe. His wh

ght his drink slipped him her number. An actress pretended to lose her footing on the red carpet and tripped up in front of him and when he went to he

hightail it out of here before you start murdering people." he said in response to Nathaniel's facial ex

intend to get even in the nearest future.

h maintenance, just the way you like them. This is me doing you a favour and you should be saying t

se girls are stick thin. Majority of them are anorexic. I ha

ou liked th


though you picked a bad time. I told Melanie's friend Bella tha

on, r

your tastes have ch

ft lips. Her dark sensual eyes. Her soft curvy body. Damon helped him search for her at that time, after which he told Nathaniel to let it go. It was like she had vanished off the surface of the earth.

rs. It was a crush. Damon located Melanie through the designer she had walked for. Sighting them approaching, she launched out of her seat and threw herself at them, her platinum blonde hai

hought fashion shows weren't your scen

her, "You thought

ing laugh while smacking his arm. She

collection." Melanie dragged Damon towards the display of manne

head he saw. He turned his eyes away. But he was drawn, and he kept staring, and staring. She was speaking animatedly with a woman, her back to him. She turned to smile at a man who approached them and he caught a glimpse of her profile. He felt th

owards her, brushing off anyone who was in his way, determined to get at least an explanation. A side door opened and a crowd of fans flooded the backstage area and in the ma

foolish. At that moment, he glanced towards the corner she was standing and spotted

glancing around as if looking for someone to save her. "The redhead you were speaking with who just hightailed out of here. Her name is Jennifer. Where is she?" he said, softening

he creative director of Jaded. This is her merchandise table." she said. Nathaniel stared at her in shock. He was sile

t searching for someone that did not exist. She was not Jennifer Johnson. She was Jade Bennett. And apparently, she was a fashion designer, not a m

e addresses on J


She was even happier with the results of her hard work. Conquering New York Fashion Week had always been a goal for her, and she was very happy that she was close to reaching that goal. The

ction and also to display some new merchandise. It was good show, and also an excellent opportunity for a rookie designer like her to showcase her designs and sell some pieces

im standing there. She knew who he was the moment she locked eyes with him. Those green eyes. Those unforgettable green eyes. It was impossible to forget them. She saw the recognition in his eyes, the accusations, the anger, the disbelief

l making his way towards her. She wrapped the scarf she took from her merchandise table around her head to cover her hair,

alling the time they had spent together. The laughs, the kisses, the touches. It had taken all the discipline in her to leave that morning. But she knew it was for the be

sk when she heard a knock on her door an

Said he's interested in investin

he had only spoken to her bank, who said it was a stretch, something that needs care

pened and she rose out of her chair to receive the visitor when she suddenly felt her blood run cold.


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