img Winning Her Back After Divorce  /  Chapter 3 I Will Never Forgive You | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 I Will Never Forgive You

Word Count: 1915    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

o fear the prospect of poverty or death!" She stated calmly, her tone icy. The room was filled with gasps of astonishment once again. Was this the same naive and submissive Natasha the

k as everyone gasped in disbelief. Ariel clutched her burning cheek and stared at Natasha with wide eyes. She even forgot to continue her act, staring at Natasha in shock. "Natasha Dickson!" Stephen bellowed, rising from his seat and glaring fiercely at his now ex-wife. His jaw was tightly clenched and his fist was balled up in anger. He was barely holding back from acting impulsively. Before Stephen could reprimand her again, Natasha raised her hand and delivered a sharp slap to his face. The rest of the family gasped in shock as they stood up from their seats. No one, not even Stephen parents, had ever dared to lay a hand on him. And yet, here was Natasha, a woman he had once called his wife, defying him with a single slap. "Miss Andrew, you accused me of bullying you, so I might as well confirm your accusations and that’s slap is for falsely accusing me of a crime I did not commit. If I had known that you were planning to frame me, I would have pushed you down the stairs myself. I would not have allowed you to continue with this charade just to convince Stephen to divorce me." Natasha voice was calm, but there was a faint yet dangerous smile on her face. She turned to face Stephen, who was now seething with rage, and taunted him. “What? Does your heart ache because I hit your childhood sweetheart? Well, imagine how I feel right now. As my husband, you not only chose her over me, but you even conspired with her to frame me! Well, we used to be couples after all, so this is just my parting gift for you two. "I, Natasha, may be poor. But I know what it means to be 'human'. I am not as evil as your lover, who would go to such extreme lengths just to drive me out of this house. In fact, the two of you deserve each other. I wish you both the worst in life!" Natasha taunted him painfully. She wanted to scream at Stephen for all the hurtful things he had said and done to her. But instead, she turned her bloodshot eyes to the rest of the family, causing them to shrink back in fear. " I will not seek revenge on all the wrongful you’ve cause me to ruin my life. Whatever has happened between us ever since I entered this house ends now. Don't forget, i finally agreed to walked away from you and that’s because, I no longer want you, and frankly, you don't deserve me! From this moment on, we are strangers. And I hope our paths never cross again in the future. Because if they do, I will not hesitate to destroy you, even if it means destroying myself in the process!" Natasha declared, her voice trembling with emotion of anger and pain. She desperately hoped that her future would have nothing to do with the name Steels. From now on, she was going to make a fresh start and leave this toxic family behind. In the coming times, she shall strive ardently for her aspirations, having forsaken them for a man who never valued her worth. With a composed demeanor, Natasha walked away from the house, though her heart bled with indignation. Upon reaching the exit, she turned to gaze icily at Stephen, tears streaming down her face... "I cannot say if such a day will ever arrive. But I can promise you, I will never forgive you, no matter how much you plead!" And with that, she opened the door, stepping out into the stormy night, leaving behind the stunned expressions of the Steels family. Gazing up at the sky, rain assaulting her face,

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