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Chapter 4 The Story of Sarini and the Shaman

Word Count: 804    |    Released on: 25/05/2024

tal, mystical events kept haunting her. She felt like a dark forc

dark shadows chasing her. Strange noises also kept haunting her

was more to it than just mental disturbances. She began to investigate the history of the menta

d her own investigation. She talked to the mental hospital staff,

was staying used to be a former nursing home known for mystical occurrences.

re were several cases that had never been solved, including the mysterious

experiences she had since staying in the mental hospital. She was convinced th

hind all this, not only to protect herself but also to free the

ally, Sarini began to seek alternative solutions. She decided to seek help from a shaman, as she felt

ed people, Sarini finally found a shaman reputed to be good at dealing w

aman performed a series of rituals and prayers to cleanse Sarini from the negative energy that was bothering her. He u

er, and she noticed that the mystical events that had been bothering her started to subside. As time passed,

st and build a brighter future. And although the journey to recovery was still long, Sarini was confident that she

n with a hopeful gaze, tensely w

within you. There is negative energy at

feel the same way. I don

ll do everything I can to help cle

es and chants. He lit some incense and sprinkled herbs arou

feelings within you. Let the dark energy o

instructions. She felt the pressure of the negative energ

in the room changed. Sarini felt lig

ve energy is gone. You are

ank you, Shaman. I f

e cleanliness and stability of the energy within you. P

eat burden had been lifted from her shoulders, and she was ready to start a new life

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