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Chapter 3 Part 3

Word Count: 1265    |    Released on: 26/05/2024

boss, I was only given this," sa

ally want your salary! Or I should just go

nitely get paid tomorr

that when I get paid, I'll give it to you," he continued, t

and invited her sister to eat together immediately eat together immediately. Even though his two stepchildren ate there, Mr. Wan

ically; she didn't want her stepfather to dare hit her sister. He was determined to run away from the house; he had also saved the money he earned from his work and was also given a loan from

er's gaze. She pretended to go into th

Yeni. Just a moment, I'l

. Instead, she hurriedly went into the room and hid her bag between the folds of clothes in her cupboard.

tepfather. He then continued eating before he finally finished everything. At that time, Amira was

ing her savings. So even though she was in the kitchen cleaning up, Amira o

and it turned out there was a man. Amira thought maybe it was her stepfather's friend. But after listening to the conversation, she hear

er's debt, around ten million. Meanwhile, Amira didn't know why or from whom her stepfather borrowed that much

eek you have to pay off all your debt

stunned, with her heart beating fast. Amira didn't hear her stubborn fa

eels that he has never been given money for daily shopping or even for ot

ister and I were never given money. So now is the time for me to go take my sist

ree from suffering. Finally, after cleaning up, Amira immediately invited her sister to go straight

r stepfather. Amira is also looking for a way to get out of the house without her father knowing. Amira didn't want the small am

ot long afterward, Amira no longer heard her stepfather's chatter. But there Amira was silent; she preten

His heart beat fast when he heard the sound of footsteps entering his room. Amira believed that it must be her stepfathe

rch her cupboard because there was money there that he had deliberately prepared to return to his village. When she


ther calling, but she turned to sleep and closed her eyes tightly.

Wake u

ared, Amira finally opened her eyes because she

er, dad?" Amira

ed Mr. Wanto, who immediate

looked angry. With slow steps, Amira followed her stepfa

" Mr. Want

wrong?" Amira tr

ake all your sa

shocked to hear what

e give it all to you, wha

now tomorrow, you have to give me all your money!" Mr. Wa

or wha

er's funeral, my father borrowed money from that person. And now he's come to collect it! So


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