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Chapter 10 The Greek Phillopolis

Word Count: 1215    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

er been an accident, nor was it exactly desig

n of every advantage which offered. Outwardly he was the head of three trading corporations which complied with the laws, pai

ry circumstances arose or dire necessities dictated. Throughout the length and breadth of Britain, through France, Italy, and in the days before the war,

there were people who would lend the money, which eventually came out of the colonel's pocket. Some of the businesses he financed were on the border line of respectability. Some into which his money was sunk were frankly infamous. Bu

incing Court--a tiny room at the top of four flights of stairs. On

ie_ in Soho. He was a dark little man, with fierce moustachios and a set of perfect white teeth which he displayed readily, for he was easily amused. His m

ared from the Greek ports, carrying cargoes to the order of Mr. Phillopolis, which did not appear in any bill of lading. Dazed-looking Armenian girls, girls from South R

look over the new importations approvingly and remit their bank drafts to the merc

meeting being a small hotel in Aldgate. Whatever other pretences the colonel made,

rst greetings were over, "I'

colonel," said t

slight accent, for he had bee

n render you

colonel, "but it is

eyed him

e said, "I'll go


s in South America?

d out his hands

. All those girls waiting for music-hall engagements and impossible t

ed off, eh?" asked the col

ns--billions. Almost every other man is a million

nel smil

ity," he said. "She has appeared in a music-h

asked the G

ther; "as pretty as a picture, I tel

k looked

want to go

snarled ro

ted to go?" he demanded. "Of course she doesn't want to go, and she do

olis pulled

her from

on," said

k shook

as willing to go it would be impossible to take her. You can't kidnap

errupted him

in a fit state of mind, to take her across and put her somewhere

part of it very wel

ed. She'll be travelling for her health--you understand? When you get to South America I want you to take her into the interior of the

re you goi

o. I'll send you the date you leave and I'll pay her passage and yours. Fo

the colonel and acquiesced with a nod. Boundary went back to where he had left Pinto and

t?" he asked i

xed it," said th

ng to do with it," said the o

ge your mind," he

olonel himself answered it. He took the



om the card

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