img *The Mission*  /  Chapter 4 Journey to the Unknown | 44.44%
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Chapter 4 Journey to the Unknown

Word Count: 277    |    Released on: 11/06/2024

aving the curvature of Earth behind. Jax and Sophia stood on the

transmission from the UEG,"

ver leaving the view sc

ern face of Admiral Chen. "Captain Vash, this is Admiral Che

x replied, his tone neut

But remember, the stakes are high. The artifact could

let out a low breath. Sophia rai

wryly. "Jus

worked tirelessly to keep the ship running smoothly, while Sophia

ers of the mission, the rival treasure hunters, and the weight o

excitement. They were on the cusp of something incredible

ce. A rival ship, the Nightshade, lurked in the shadows, its crew dr

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