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Chapter 2 EPISODE 2

Word Count: 1263    |    Released on: 13/06/2024

twins. The fact that they were identical made it all wierd. It was a mystery I wanted to solve.In my mind I had it that there were two Tracy's. We had just bonded and talked

them. Tracy behaved as if nothing had happened between us. Even when I found h

left with one of the twins to buy vegetables for lunch. I didn't not know which of the twins had been left behind so I decided to go out and find out. As I opened the door, a text popped

you this morning and spilling your water in. I

r. She was a genius. I thought about what to reply. It should have

or ruining your haido. My "y

ked my response. We chatted for a little bit before she excused herself to finish her house c

play pool and some FIFA. My boys were happy to see me after such a long time. Ethan for example bought me a mug of

ny advances to my sister. That was the rule and they knew it. I was very overprotective of her. However, Ethan must have thought that he was too big and strong that he could do anything. He did it right

ou think you are doing tr

we cannot do it? I guess I'm just her type, after al

king about. I won't have you

ng to do? Beat me? I am go

and for all. I pinned him to the ground and sat on his stomach and began raining blows on his face. By the time our friends pulled me off him, he was missing two fr

ff and bragged about how many girls we had smashed. The

ed her last night... Hic... And I a

You could have heard an a

ay he had started working out and had even established his own local gym.

ds until the counter stopped me. There was no more room. I curled up into a pathe

as just kidding." I

ousand kicks and Superman punches. Good thing I was fast. My legs saved me. I shot out of the pub so fast that I knocked down two revelers standing at the door. They too stood up and fled in different

marked territory. I started thinking at the back of my head how we needed to kick Alex out of our boys' club. We could not have a Dwayne Joh

t in. I didn't want to risk being seen like this. I mean, Alex's fingers had left red marks on my cheeks and my eyes were swollen. I didn't have the moods for either Tracy or Nora that night. Nora tex



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