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Reading History

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2156    |    Released on: 16/06/2024


and fury, not to release the dark shadow

't being

playing h

me, and I wasn't sur



Why does she think that she is bette

arison to her friend. But her friend, Effy, was boring, predictable. Too eager and willing to give herself

to wield her power as if she contained some magical abilities that would boost his own inflated ego to match that of the 'devil


- Un

urking in the shadows, biding his time. B

ese abominations that sh

from this particular dem

vable, but this demon had an a

ts had been right about him from the sta

even if he didn't know

on the horizon,



r Solstic

being erected around the university, the halls were lined with pos

d the opportunity to wear their best ballgowns and tuxedos. It was an open invitation, al

tting our most important exams the following spring. The exams would determine

with the consequences, where we were just little fish that had become accustomed to a well-protected and looked

d end-all, or so it would seem. Each year ha

was suppose

tiny snag, I di

ave had a date, b

Josh's initial proposal of being his date. I turned him down, of co

ilst her excitement oozed from her every pore. "Come on Alice, it's the talk of the school!" She huffed, sighing exaggera

I wasn't. It was a struggle to pretend, knowing that h

same level of enthusiasm as her. "You do know it is not the 18th century, g

sposition we were both in before. We both used to share the same social awkwardness, and have the same lack of

I wasn't even su

had morphed into someone else entirely. All in her attempt to become someone Josh would be attracted to. She didn't need to, whether she had changed or not, it was

as too harsh for her pale complexion. She even discarded her more reserved and suitable outfits, respectable

sorbed in trying to fit this mould, to follow the trends of his prior girlfriends, Effy now resembled this unrecognisable c

er eyes twinkling mischi


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harrowing moment that crosses the line from being redeemable.

crossed that line, and by the time you re

g for forgiveness from their deathbeds. Mistakenly believing that their sins will be f

r being around for as long as I have and seeing as much as I hav

ngle one



his event, from the specifically selected food being served, to the ornate napkins under the silver cutlery on every t

trong floral scent into the air, not too strong, but enough to mask the chea

ches, such as the embroidered napkins, would go a long way to impress the guests and make them more inclined to support my continuat

sts. Flitting around the room like a butterfly across a bed of wildflowers

o bolster their egos, knee how to pander for their often ridiculous needs. Regardless of w

fathom was what I had done to warrant her disrespect. I had given her everything she could have possibly wanted, could e

he would not name as the father to her unborn child. For now she could conceal it, could hide it for she did not show she was with child, but soon questions would be a

be blatantly obvious. I could not disregard her clear lack of love for me. For if she loved me, she woul

suffering that had attracted me to her in the first place. My instinctive nature to be her hero, t

at had inflicted the anguish that shrouded her, the misery that lurked deep within h

y a split second, before they returned to their usual shade of brown. I knew then, in the

ed in their terror that it deafened us all. Terrified guests frantically fled from the hall, running for their lives. Th

was quickly seeping through my whi



narrowly close to

ng at this ever-increasing stain, I was compl

ralyzed in my confusion. It had taken several moments before realisation kicked

n my chest, incompetent to staunch the blood as they held no convi

nto small narrow slits. Through them, I saw he

ad fired the fatal shot that was slowly killing me. My heart

given her for everything, that I had always loved her, but my words babbled in

ents, she appeared

-haired woman. Her mouth was pulled taut, a grimace showing t


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