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Chapter 6 The babysitters

Word Count: 1498    |    Released on: 19/06/2024

d to refold a few of Oliver's shirts and pants, tucking them neatly away. It had taken them most of the day to get settled in and organized. Serena liked the house though, and there was plent

She gave the kids their juice and started looking for something she could make them for a snack. She wasn't confident in her cooking skills, but she'd have to feed them. Before deciding on what to make, the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Olivia asked, standing up on her chair. "Put your butt back in that chair!" Serena snapped, pointing at it. Oliva plopped back down. "Wait here while I get the door." She was concerned Logan had come back, and she didn'

eeded at the medical facility?" Dana shook her head. "Oh, no," she said with a light laugh. "Adriana said I was to be a live–in nanny,

erena sighed, opening the door to let Dana in. She wondered why Adriana hadn't mentioned that with the tour of her house, but maybe it was for the better. "Would you like to meet the kids?" Serena asked. "Please," Dana said, crossing the threshold. Serena headed back to the kitchen, motioning for Dana to follow. "Olivia, Oliver," Serena called them to attention. "This is Dana. She will be staying with us and watching over you when I need to work." "Hello there," Dana s

e fun toys to play with." "So many," Oliver said. He as slower t

e up to her mother's side. "What's wrong, love?" Serena asked. Olivia motioned for Serena to come closer. Serena took a knee beside her daughter. "Mommy, I think you're doing that wrong." Olivia said. Serena smiled, placing a hand on her daughter's head. "I think I am too," Serena admitted. "I'm not ve

you bring over that bowl." She pointed to the items as she directed the children. Serena was pleased to see her kids obey without question. They wanted to help! Taking a step back, Serena gladly gave herself a little br

your toys and even do a

" she

na to start. She hadn't even known she had a lan

neys being pushed around. "An attack?" Serena asked. She was already running back upstairs to change into scrubs, carrying the cordless phone with her.. "Alpha Logan, Beta Carson, and a convoy was attacked on their way through the northern border of Night Sky territory," Adriana explained quickly "Injured?" Serena asked, awkwardly changing while keeping the phone pinched between her ear and shoulder! "Several," Adriana said. "I

for a medical emergency. She'd worked ER rotations in the human world while in medical school. "I'm on my way," she said. "Go

inic," she said. "Are you okay to stay with the kids?" "That's why I'm here," Dana said. "Go on, save some lives." Serena kis

" she said. "Stay here with Dana, she will play with you and read to you." I looked at Dana and she nodded in confirmation. "I love you, babies. I'll be back as soon as I can," she assured.

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