ect. â No, sir. Lia closed the door behind herself and the last director leaving the meeting room. And Renato felt very special when he received an affable look from the Senior Director and a
ing the layouts and looking good at the party. All my staff will be at your disposal. If you want, you can use my room while I'm traveling. - Not less. It's not that much either. â Relax... My father won't even show up. â Not personally. But he will give a virtual speech. And you'll see everyone on his screen... - Afraid of my father, Renato...? Be afraid of stock devaluation. Yes, that's scary stuff. â Tobias had returned with two glasses and was now extending one to the Deputy Director of AGM SĂŁo Paulo.A light knock preceded Lia's entry. The secretary walked slowly, cushioning her steps on the living room carpet. She handed the folder to Tobias with the discretion of a geisha, tilting her head slightly. â Do you need anything else, sir? â Not for now, Lia. Thanks. She walked to the door, opened it, went out, closed it. Everything without noise, without making the slightest noise. Renato followed her with his eyes, step by step, action by action, attentive and admired. â How do you do it? Your secretaries are so... - Disciplined? â A dry chuckle, full of double meaning, found the glass that Tobias was holding to his lips, producing a slight echo effect. - AND! Angela looks like a rotating machine gun. It can tire me out more than my mother-in-law on a supper night... â My HR is different from yours â Tobias stated. He sat down again and placed the glass of whiskey on the table next to the sofa, accurately hitting the circular mark on a cup holder. â Greta is my Mentoring. She knows how to prepare anyone who is going to work for me, in the office or at home. - Serious? The Butler?! â No. â Tobias denied incisively. â My butler is Juarez. â Renato frowned, turned his head a little, without understanding the difference. But Tobias didn't let him continue. He opened the blue folder that Lia had brought and, legs crossed, one over the other, he observed: â Here it is. Empel. Packaging and Paper from Santa BĂĄrbara dos Pinhais. As it was her personal request, I analyzed it myself. â Wow, man, thanks. And sorry for the inconvenience. It's the kind of thing we only do because women are standing around, gaslighting, honking their horns. AdĂŁo Bakker is a friend of Juliana's father and it was she who sent his son to look for us. Look for me. I even had lunch with both of them, trying to go off on a tangent, but