bond stronger than ever. But unbeknownst to them, danger lurked closer than they realized.One evening, as they sat around their campfire, discussing their next steps, a shadow
managed to disarm Tom and grabbed the relic from Sarah's grasp."Thank you for doing all the hard work," Victor sneered. "I'll be taking this now."He turned to leave, but Mia, driven by a surge of courage, tackled him to the ground. The relic slipped from his hand, rolling away into the darkness."Run!" Tom shouted to the others. "Get the relic and go!"Sarah and Jake scrambled to find the glowing crystal, their hearts pounding with fear and determination. Mia and Tom held Victor at bay, using every ounce of their strength to keep him from escaping.Finally, Sarah's fingers closed around the relic, and she held it up triumphantly. "I've got it!"Victor roared in anger, shovi