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Chapter 4 The fall

Word Count: 721    |    Released on: 27/07/2024

spurred them on. The rogue wolves were close, too close, and the urgency of their flight pressed heavily on them. "Keep running, Vanessa! Don't look back!

ing terrain. The world spun around them in a chaotic blur of earth and sky. Each impact was a jolt of agony, but the descent was mercilessly swift.Vanessa tried to hold on to something, anything, but her fingers grasped only air and loose soil. Elena's cry of her name echoed in her ears, a haunting reminder of their shared plight.And then, there was only darkness.The pain and fear dissolved into an abyss of nothingness. The last thing Vanessa remembered was the sensation of falling, the cold wind rushing past her, and Elena's voice fading into the void. The world around them ceased to exist as the blackness consumed them both.⸻Vanessa's consciousness drifted in the void, a place where time had no meaning and the pain of her injuries was a distant memory. She felt weightless, suspended in a sea of darkness. Elena was there too, somewhere, she knew it. Their bond, forged in the crucible of their trials, was unbreakable. Even in this state, Vanessa could sense her friend's presence, a faint but comforting echo.Slowly, very slowly, the darkness began to recede. Sensation returned in small, hesitant waves. The cold, damp ground beneath her. The sharp sting of cuts and bruises. The distant sound of water trickling somewhere nearby.Vanessa forced her eyes open, blinking against the dim li

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