img Wolves of the Heart: A Journey of Transformation  /  Chapter 2 Echoes of the Heart | 22.22%
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Chapter 2 Echoes of the Heart

Word Count: 1437    |    Released on: 02/08/2024

d teeth. As Aria moved toward the center of the fight, her determination surged through her veins. She watched Zander's powerful form as he battled the enemy Alpha-a whirl of motion. Ari

the sad melody from before. The sound cut through the chaos of the battlefield, and the enemy Alpha hesitated for a split second. Zander needed nothing more. He swiftly pinned his opponent to the

found Aria, filled with a mix of surprise and something else-respect?

t before she could, she heard cheers and victory chants. Pack members surrounded them, praising them and sharing tales of

echoed through the forest. "But we've also seen incredible bravery and quick thinking." He met Aria's eyes again. "We will discuss the

. Aria returned to the sacred clearing and felt a gentle touch on her arm. She turned to find Liam lo

ck smile. "I'm fine. I guess I

"Well, if you need anything..." He

ercurrent now ran through the events. Aria hesitated briefly as she prepared to howl again. Could she recapture the magic of her earlier performance? Closing her eyes, Aria took a deep breath

uickly. Aria felt like she was floating on the energy of the night. As the official ceremonies ended and the group started to break into smaller gatherings, she knew it was time.

r pack members. He turned to face Aria, his lips curling into a slight smile. "

ch step. He turned to face her, leading them to a secluded area where they could talk privately. The moonlight filtered thro

r said, his voice low and intense. "I've nev

the surprise in his words. "Thank you," she

"It made me realize that perhaps I've been too

felt and show him she could be more than just an Omega. S

she could continue. "I need to

pected the conversation to go. "What is it?"

s heart raced with both excitement and fear. "I know your

re out what Zander could mean. She pulled back slightly, searching his face. The intensity and something

commotion from the main clearing. Shouts of alarm fol

t Aria, his eyes hard. "We'll finish this conversation later," he

ainst a nearby tree, her legs suddenly feeling weak. What had Zander meant? What secret

one from feeling invisible to becoming a crucial part of the pack's defense. She had finally mus

t of her thoughts. Aria, still on high alert fr

se and worried. "Aria," he said urgently, "I saw

voice. "He said he knew my secret," she replied hesi

face pale. "Listen to me, Aria," he said urgently. "You m

h, another voice called o

don't have much time," he whispered urgently. "Meet me by the old oak by the river at midnight. I'

e Zander and Liam so worried about? What secret? And why did she feel like

coming and find out what this secret was. She was no longer the meek Omega content to let others decide her fate.

isappeared, Aria turned and headed back to the cleari

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