low his progress; on the contrary, it gave them the strength and determination necessary to escape the threat that weighed on them. She cast anxious glances behin
ntinue like this forever. She needed to find refuge, a safe place where she could catch her breath and
ts dim lights offering a glimmer of hope. She adjusted her grip on the triplets, checking to make sure they were still fast asleep, before
helter. Ayla pushed open the creaking door and settled inside, carefully placing the triplets on a pile of hay. S
with them. But those happy times were now tarnished by betrayal and pain. Ronan, the powerful alpha she had loved and who had rejected her offer of companionship, was the source of
iplets. Their safety was his top priority. The first light of dawn was peeking on the ho
on of the townspeople. She found manual work here and there, earning just enough to buy food and s
g, their abilities were impressive. One day, while they were playing innocently in a corner of the barn, an explosion of light energy f
but firmly, "you have to be carefu
ooked up at her, his eyes shining
d," Ayla replied, hugging them. "They m
close, a knot of anxiety forming in her stomach. They couldn't stay here forever. She had
nd feared presence. His keen werewolf senses detected a scent that was well known to him
ey were no longer safe. She stormed into the barn, finding the triplets playing q
said, her voice shakin
senses on high alert. She headed towards the hills to the east of the city, a place she had spotted
inspected the entrance, making sure there were no signs of recent presence. She b
she whispered, trying to hide h
mained awake, her thoughts tormented by Ronan's presence. Why was he there? Had h
ps approaching the cave. Ayla stood up, ready to defend her children. Ronan's imposing figure appeared in the do
n a deep voice, "
Ayla replied, her gaze hard
d the children," he replied f
ion," Ayla said defiantly.
ow I made mistakes. I regret rejecting you. But now I know the t
"You have no right to them, Ronan. You reje
"But I'm willing to do anything to fix my mistake
perate desire to protect her children. "And your arra
complicated. But my priority is you. I wi
ld trust him, but she also knew they couldn't keep running away f
ing slightly. "But know this, Ronan: if you e
with determination. "I promi
ew the road would be long and strewn with pitfalls, but for the sake of
ect the triplets, using their complementary skills to stay under the radar while searching for information on t
ives. But as she watched the triplets play with their father, a small, shy smile tugging at their
l had much to overcome. But for the first time in a long time, she