first visit to the beach after we discovered that I am allergic to salt water. Well forgive my manners, let me introduce myself. My name is Gemma van cleave and I am
at that moment was unimaginable, I couldn't shout nor move just stood there frozen and watch as my world crumbled and fell. My Dad's murderer made a phone call and I quote his words "Target down, family next" his last word made me turn around and walked back to our suite. I crazily woke up my mom and told her that a man is coming to kill us. she didn't ask me any questions but some how found a way to get us out of the hotel into a private jet and flew to her home town Texas. I couldn't remember how we made the journey but I clearly remember my Dad' body lying in pool of his blood and being butchered. We lived in Texas till she got a job at Alaska,I am now sixteen years old. All our days in Texas we lived on a low key because my mom is afraid that the people that killed my father will come for us. At first I didn't want to travel to Alaska because of its weather condition but my mom said that we are not longer safe in Texas anymore. During our stay in Texas she told me the stories of her and my Dad and that both of them were former FBI agents. She also said that my Dad's killer might be one of the hardened criminal he got arrested. she also taught me how to fight and shoot guns. I looked forward to living in Alaska because I am going to start school, I was homeschooled when i was in Texas. Alaska starts a new goal in my life, find my father's killer and get over the biggest trauma of my life. "Stop drinking" I shouted at my best friend Tammy as she gulped another glass of wine at a go. "Leave me alone" she retorted. Today is Sunday and also valentine day and we were at the club partying. Tammy reached for the bottle of wine again but I took it and kept it far away from her. She was alr