img Hearts Beyond the Facade  /  Chapter 5 Crossing the Divide | 55.56%
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Chapter 5 Crossing the Divide

Word Count: 6094    |    Released on: 16/08/2024

Lerya and her father. Theodore Westwood didn't mention her defiance again, but Lerya could feel the storm brewing beneath his sil

arkened by the impending fallout. Every interaction felt charged, every conversation laced with invisib

before the fi

ssion as cold as ever. "Jacob Hastings has extended his invitation for you to join

s was her father's next move-a calculated attempt to publicly assert her engagement t

ze was like i

rya stared back at her father, her resolve hardening. "I told you, I

f yours ends now. I've tolerated it long enough. This family has a reputation to u

forced herself to remain composed. "It's not

You don't know what love is. You're a child, and you're playing with fire. If you continue dow

ed it down. She wouldn't let him see her break. "If t

ready to walk away from this life? From everything? Fine." He leaned forward, hi

s shaking but her vo

rt pounding in her chest. She knew this was only

e worked, staring at the notice board with a sinking feeling in his gut. Th

o many people-kids who needed a safe space, families who relied on the programs for support. And now, jus

es asked, walking up behind Emmanuel an

mind racing. "This place was important.

the world, isn't it? Money talks. And we don't

s of the center that hurt-it was what it represented. This place had been a symbol of hope, of buildin

Ever since Lerya had defied her father, things had started to unravel. He wouldn't put it past Theodore Westwood t

hat Emmanuel was thinki

itted. "But if her father ha

re Westwood was targeting him, trying to cut him down piece b

They had made their choice, but now the real conseque

e quiet spot where they had first truly connected. The sun was beginning to set, cast

"He's not going to stop," she said, her voice heavy with the

el asked softly, sit

sper. "He's already started. He wants me to go to this gala with Jacob, to ma

er lost its funding," he said finally, his voice tight with controlled

ruthless, but hearing this... it made everything

r her hand. "But it does mean we need to be prepare

ng her head on his shoulder. "

ezing her hand. "We'll figure th

ere two people standing against a force far greater than either of them, and no matter how strong the

the park. Lerya's mind raced, each passing minute filling her with a growing sense of dread. Her father'

t pressing on her chest. She glanced at him, his jaw tense, eyes staring off into the dis

ispered, her voice trembling. "Every time I think we've f

harder than either of us ever imagined-but we can't give up now. If we do... ev

lity of their situation loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon. "I'm not sure how to f

control everything with his money, his influence. But there are things he ca

y, the frustration bubbling to the surface. "Love won't stop him fr

ce quiet. "But we have to start some

racing. "Then what do we do? I feel

father plays the long game-he's trying to make us break, make us lose faith in eac

d, her voice tinged with despair. "What

ly in his. "Then we'll face him together. We'll find a way. Bu

ering belief in their love, was like a lifeline. She knew he was right-they couldn't afford to le

mitted, her voice ba

ing a tear from her cheek. "But fear do

g together in the twilight, holding onto each other as if they were the last people in the wo

still laced with uncertainty. "If we're going to fight this... if we're reall

ed. "What are

h. "I need to tell Jacob. I need to end

n't argue. He knew that Lerya was ri

is engagement was really his choice and how much was my fathe

suring squeeze. "You're brave

ve," she admitted

miration. "You're willing to stand up for what you be

of hope igniting amidst the fear. Maybe they could find a w

ing the steadiness of his presence. "I'll tell Jacob tomorrow," she murmured, a

is voice full of quiet conv

ived. Her heart was pounding in her chest, but she forced herself to remain calm. She had rehearsed this conversa

thing different in his eyes-something calculating. As they sat down

said, his voice smooth. "We

reath, steeling her

the seriousness in her tone. "Lerya, I know t

than she had expected. "I need to be honest with

Then he leaned back in his chair, his smile returning

t going to be part of this charade anymore. I

g façade. His eyes darkened, and his voice turned icy. "Do you really think you have a choice in t

used to back down. "It's my life, Jacob.

oken threats. "You're making a mistake," he said quietly, his voice fill

solve unshaken. "Maybe I don't. But I'd rather face

ssion hardening. "You'll regre

f the room, her heart racing but her head held high. She

and exhilaration. She didn't know what her father would do next, or h

lf as the town car slowly pulled up to the curb to take her back home. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and she

truly live. As the car rolled through the city, her thoughts spiraled-her mind racing between the joy of her love for Emmanuel and the fear of

ting. His imposing figure stood near the entrance, his expression unreada

out, cool and calm, as she steppe

rd him with as much confidence a

the echoes of the day's activity still faintly lingering in the air. He had spent hours c

in his gut. He trusted Lerya-knew how strong and determined she was-but there was something about Jacob, something dangerous lurking beneath

olted him from his thoughts. It was a text

uel grabbed his jacket and headed out into the chilly night, the weight of their situation

and living room, his cold gaze fixed on her. The luxurious su

his voice steady but full of restrained anger. "Breaking off the enga

er wanted to marry him. You've been controlli

re are alliances, deals that have been in place for years. You th

her voice rising with every word. "I'm not some pawn in your busin

ger barely restrained. "This isn't a game, Lerya. You're walking down a path

down. "I love Emmanuel. And I'm not going to

s tone. "Then you've made your choice. But don't come crying to m

t she stood her ground. "I'll deal with whatever come

ng alone in the vast, empty room. For the first time in her life, she had truly stoo

ot by the water. The city lights twinkled in the distance, and the soft soun

ontation with her father, the weight of the unknown pressing heavily on her. But when Emma

d softly, taking her hands

breath. "Free. Terrifi

r closer. "We're in this together, Lery

her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. The world felt so fragile, like one wrong

itted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I know h

nd her. "Let him come. We'll f

embrace. "I love you," she whispered, the words ca

to the top of her head. "And no matter what happens

e city lights dance on the surface. But as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a sense

l had spent hours wrapped in each other's arms by the riverbank, trying to forget the reality that awaited them. Y

hat happens next." She had faced his wrath before, but this time felt different-darker. This wasn't just about defyi

. He was quiet, lost in thought. His normally strong and confident demeanor seemed to

tting through the silence, "do you think

hink anyone can ever be truly ready for something like this. But we've m

. Jacob..." She hesitated, the fear she had been holding back sta

de. "I know." His voice was steady, but there was an underlying current of anger and protectivene

r had the power to crush Emmanuel's life in ways he couldn't even imagine. She feared for what might happen,

ing. "Not just for me, but for you. I couldn't live wi

er protectively. "You don't have to worry about me, Lerya. We'll face whatever com

steady heartbeat was the only thing keeping her grounded in that moment. She wanted to believe him

audible. "But I don't know how we can win this fight. They

into his eyes. "We have love, Lerya. And that's someth

nguished. Lerya reached up, cupping his face in her hands, her thumb tracing the line of his jaw. "I d

ehead against hers. "You deserve everything, Lerya. A

eady left for his meetings, but the tension from the night before lingered in the air. The staff moved quie

ld of wealth and privilege she had grown up in felt suffocating now, its polished surfaces masking the rot underneath. She knew her father was capabl

at the screen. It was a message from her father: "We

The two had known each other for years, ever since they were kids running through the streets of the neighborhood.

e laced with disbelief. "Man, this isn't just some neighborhood beef. We

nsion knotting his muscles. "I know. But

. I do. But you're playing with fire here. Her father could ruin

thought it through. And I'd rath

t if you're gonna fight this fight, you need to be prepared. You're not jus

rds settling heavily on his shoulders. "I

nally nodding. "Alright, man. If you're in, I'm

a grateful smile.

tension. Her father was sitting at his desk, his expression unreadable as she walked

iven you every advantage in life-every opportunity, every luxury. And this i

"This isn't about what you've given me, Father.

ed. "You're making a mistake.

he kept her voice steady. "I

Then, with a cold smile, he leaned ba

hung in the air like a suffocating fog. His cold smile, so controlled, sent a shiver down her spine. She had seen that smile b

t let him w

her voice a whisper at first, then

"Oh, Lerya," he sighed. "You have no idea the world you're stepping into. You think this is about love,

understand that you've controlled my life for too long. You think you can ke

ing. "This isn't a game. You're gambling with your future, your safety, everything I've built. And fo

sides. "Emmanuel may not have wealth or power, but he gives me something you never could-freedom, love, honesty. I do

e's your salvation? Let me tell you something, Lerya-people like him only love the idea of you. The mo

g back the tears that threatene

type. He's chasing a dream that will turn into a nightmare the moment he's faced w

ve his words. "You don't understand him

ing in a world where people like him are crushed underfoot. He doesn't belong in this world, and you-" He pause

eyond his power, beyond the walls of control he had built around her. This wasn't about protecting her-it

e trembling with resolve, "maybe I

arrowed. "Is that y

heart pounding but her

ng, Emmanuel was

the empty road. The night was cool, a stark contrast to the heat coursing through his

mined, Emmanuel's heart clenched. She walked toward him with

ctively to pull her close. The moment she was in his arms, he could feel the

ed gently, pressing his

ather... he doesn't understand. He never will. He thinks this is ju

ened. "And Jacob? Wh

now. My father won't let this go, and Jacob... he's not going to s

out Jacob-the way he operated, the ruthless lengths he went to in

holding her hands. "I won't let them tear us

able. "I know. But what if we're not str

hands, his expression fierce. "They

e glittering city skyline. His phone buzzed in his po

?" he asked coolly, his

m the other end. "It's ju

ister smile. "Good. I want Emm

e on the other end replied. "Are

d, his tone dark and final. "By the time she r

as he gazed out into the night. Emmanuel was an obstacle-one that would soon be removed. And once

e small living room, holding each other in silence. The weight of their sit

ether. And th

t: The Ci

threats. Exhausted but resolute, they finally decided to take a walk to clear their minds. The city was still

they walked hand in hand, they tried to ignore the gnawing anxiety th

ya asked, her voice barely audible above the hum of the city

. "Sometimes it feels like that. But we can't give up. We

me next. "I just wish things could be different. I

ut we have each other, and that has to be eno

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