img BLUE EYED VENGEANCE  /  Chapter 1 DOWN POUR | 11.11%
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Chapter 1 DOWN POUR

Word Count: 1252    |    Released on: 18/08/2024

that shielded the gathered mourners. The air hung heavy with the scent of

ut for Jim, he had to be here. Jim Matthews-his foster father, the man who had saved him from a life of violence and dark

ts and umbrellas, the distant sound of rain tapping against the gravestones. Connor's ey

eyes glistening with unshed tears. Chicki, Jim's partner in the force, stood not far off, his usual stoic demeanor softened by the weight of los

g to leave Jim's side. Rain soaked through his clothes, but he hardly noticed. His mind raced with memories-Jim'

He reached out, fingertips brushing the cold, wet stone of the headstone. "I'll find out who

f sorrow and guilt. "Connor," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "I

e fixed Chicki with a hard stare. "It's your fault," he said sharply, the words cutting throu

paling. "I... I know, Connor. I know. A

t leave me alone," he muttered, his voice barely more tha

, mingling with his tears. Finally, with a nod of resignation, h

was quiet now, the only sound the relentless patter of rain on stone and soil. He stood there for what fe

step away from the grave felt like a betrayal, but he knew he couldn't stay forever. With one last, lin

n, the memories of Jim's home flashing through his mind-once a place of warmth and safety, now a crime scene marked by violence and l

and Jim. The dim lights and the low hum of conversation were a stark contrast to the cold, wet night outside. He pushe

nding without words, and poured him a drink. Connor took the glass and found a corner table, away from the fe

Jim's voice in his mind, the steady reassurance that had always been there to guide him. But now, those m

an average-looking cop with a low-cut hairstyle, entered the bar and made his way over. He had always seemed like a dece

eted cautiously. "

as icy. "What do

ing gesture. "Just wanted to pay

Connor snapped. "And yo

onnor despite the lack of invitation. "L

and dangerous. "I don't believe Jim

is face. "Connor, you need to shrug that feeling of doubt.

me what to do. I owe Jim everythin

entually stood, giving a nod of reluctant respect.

side him stoked to a blazing inferno. He would find out who

, placing his empty glass on the counter. Lisa gave him a look of concern,

tanding. "Be carefu

opped, but the air was still thick with moisture. Connor pulled his jacket tighter ar

ad answers. And he wouldn't

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