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Reading History

Chapter 7 BLACK MOON

Word Count: 1986    |    Released on: 19/08/2024

nd humidity sapping the team's strength. The indigenous guides led the way, their movements g

stant reminder of their mission and the perils they faced. The vil

edical skills keeping him alive, but the strain was evident on her face. Mark Harris and Ca

ts flickered in the trees, and disembodied voices whispered from the shadows. The air was thick

as visibly shaken. "This place... it

"The guides say the spirits

nd hidden pitfalls lurked beneath the dense undergrowth. The constant sense of

re agitated. "We need to move fas

h frustration. "We're doing the best we

. We stick together and follow the guides.

most palpable, the sounds of the night creatures amplified in the still air. They se

oked at Jonathan, her eyes pleading. "I am glad Thomas feels a lot better

sibility pressing down on him. "We

was thick with the sound of distant whispers and eerie, disembodied laughter. The sen

y of the night. The campfire flickered weakly, casting long shadows over the group as they prepar

ed nervously around, betraying a growing sense of unease. He had been with the team for weeks, but his loyalty had alwa

,concern etched on his face. "

g Thomas's. "Nah, I'm fine. Just tired.

nodded. "Alright. Just make sure to

mind raced, thinking about the encrypted message he had received earlier. The Syndicate had o

ew, and he checked his watch repeatedly. The time was near. He quietly slipped

h the outside world. He moved swiftly through the undergrowth, his heart pounding in his chest. He had memoriz

silence.The team scrambled to their feet, weapons at the ready, disoriented and alarmed.

d, scanning the area. The beam of his

tered, his grip tightening

The jungle seemed to shift around them, the trees closing in and the s

, his throat slashed and his eyes wide with terror. The sc

as too late. "He's gone," she whis

ther what had happened. "Where's Jack?" he dema

e Jack had been on watch. "He's gone.

hem vulnerable in the heart of the jungle. Panic and anger surged throu

knuckles white. "We need to mov

t determined. As they prepared to leave, Sarah looked back at Thomas's lif

expression grim. "We'll come back for him. I

l. Every shadow seemed to hold a new threat, every sound a potential danger.

ality of their situation sank in. They were alone, d

ed for cover, their hearts pounding as the rocks tumbled down around them. When the du

" Jonathan said, his voice tense

g in ways that defied logic. The air grew colder, and the shadows dee

ting scenes of judgment and retribution. The images were haunting, a star

Carlos said, his voice hushed.

e need to be careful. The artifact

mily suddenly cried out, her

es glowing with a malevolent light. The figure moved with unn

, but the figure seemed unaffected. It moved closer, its pr

outed, his voice f

ergrowth. The figure pursued them, its movements fluid and relentless. The j

gasps. The figure halted at the entrance, its eyes glowing with an eerie light.

said, his voice barely above a w

energy, the air thick with the scent of blood and decay. The path ahead was uncertain, the dangers unseen, but th

ay, and they tumbled into a hidden pit. The fall was brief but jarring, an

," Jonathan said, his v

r spirits frayed. The darkness pressed in around them, and the air was f

r. The walls were covered in more carvings, depicting scenes of judgment and retrib

oice trembling. "It's a sacrificial ch

down his spine. "We need

to pulse with a dark energy, the air thick with malevolence. As they fina

ple lifted from their shoulders. They had the artifact, but at what cost? The

erish. Sarah did her best to keep her stable, but her worry wa

" Sarah said, her voice urgent.

. They had come so far, endured so much. But the journey was

approached, their faces grave. They spoke with Car

will guide us. We must be respectful and cauti

firm. "We'll follow their lea

ce more into the dense jungle. The path was uncertain, the dangers unseen, bu

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