img THE TEASURE I SEEK CALLED LOVE  /  Chapter 2 🏵Chapter Two🏵 | 50.00%
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Chapter 2 🏵Chapter Two🏵

Word Count: 533    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

und face and brown hai. She was about nineteen years when they send for her to serve , due to her good deed which includes helping my dad gets on his feet by treating his wounds which was caused by an ambushed. But now she is twenty two years old

ny designs and sizes of homes, farms and castle. I saw some young men dancing on the road, some playing cards, some juggling ho

After that we continued our journey to the mid town named Lèxicààn, where our apartment was made available. We got there by before midnight, but noticed that everyone has gone to bed, even the land lady was about to sleep. She showed us to our new apartment and we carried our luggage which was so

breakfast. There we talked about a new

now anywhere we could

to check before evening, we

, am going. I won't miss

U know you

can" I said and

On our way back home, there we found a new restaurant named "Mr Biggs ". We went in and took the remaining vacancy and

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