img Billionaire's love ( ...when we fell ...)  /  Chapter 4 ❣️ ROYAL HIGH MAJESTY ❣️ | 17.39%
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Chapter 4 ❣️ ROYAL HIGH MAJESTY ❣️

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 12/09/2024

just like that"Shane sa

"Lovely raised her brows as sh

she is still go

ne said

yelled slappin

h but she just could

ake this"she handed the juic

k you

vely co

id drinking f

feel at ease like you do i

so in my own house

om"She shoo

hat my grandchild won't be ugly"lovely chuckled

at Lilly and


like a fool. What

now"A maid aske

nswered before f

room,she entered and her

sized bed the was cov

y know she

opened it, clothes was already filled in

that was filled with sho


in her mind,she jumped on the bed and closed h



her surrounding. She promptly lifted

She was late for lecture,why didn't th

bathroom and came out a

s. Her hair was packed in a pony tail,she applied a little b

ane who was ready

iful"He muttered an

find your senses up there"he smirke

te"he added f

u tell someone

o disturb my baby and yo

ly not knowing w

said and he nodded as they h

on,Lilly told the driver to sto

an you walk all the way t

he told

y child and you"he said prot

vered immediately his hand

g happens to my baby"He whispere

d his hands off and c

ran off with h

s busy making call in a q

with girls there"his mo

d boy"he laughed and she

e you"she blew a kiss t

he smiled and

love?"Montana wal

have you been there?"He a

u love someone. So who was it?"

sh"He smirked an

g here?"He asked p

sn't here, I came looking

and she looked at the hand he was ho

who was looking for them passing through a c

ng his hold from Montana's

it her li

e so paine



orning, what's wrong?"Savannah

the same by staring at her o

and her eyes locked with Reen

ts from each other,tell us"he d


y body to the table

he stretched her

na sc

I will allow her to give you

king to you"A

with Ava's messing with her besides,she doesn't leave there anym

ay of leaving with that man. Give me my work right thi

ud!"Dora sneere

t talk"Sam

ourself, keep quiet before I get

uel who warned her


sharp glare b

iberately dropped her s



a slap directly o

n rushed to he


her halted as she saw the way R

een hands away from her bod


nah dug one of her

already videoin

next time you motherfucker!"Savannah s


fore she could f

ds on her, irritated by her hol

Lilly's rescue,she landed on

e,blood started rus

eamed rushing to th

en trying to o act brave and strong,fear


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