and Fi
abstraction or freedom from care, directing his steps toward Binondo Plaza and looking about him as if to recall the place. There were the same streets and the identical houses with their white and blue walls, whitewashed, or frescoed in bad imitation of granite; the church continued to show its illuminated clock face; there were the same Chinese shops with their soiled curtains and their iron grati
said that tonight I've dreamed of a seven years' journey in Europe. Good heavens, that pavement is still in the same unrepaired c
ble, a hand was placed lightly on his shoulder. He raised his head to see the old lieutenant gazing at him
from your father!" was the abr
great deal of my father. Can you tell me
know about it?" a
ut he wouldn't promise to tell me
s does everybody else
and gazed searchingly at the lieuten
was in confinement," was t
u talking about? Do you know who my father was? Are yo
I'm not mistaken. He
Ibarra," echoed
compassion as he saw what was passing in Ibarra's mind. "I supposed t
replied Ibarra in a weak voice, after a few moment
"It's strange to me that your family
uneasy if he did not write, as he was very busy. He char
just before he died. It will soo
s my father
me with me to the barracks and I'll
seemed to be in deep thought and to be seeking insp
ll we ought to be. I say this as much on account of one of your ancestors as on account of your father's enemies. The continual changes, the corruption in the higher circles, the favoritism, the low cost and the shortness of the jo
he will roast in hell as a penance-by being cowardly and certainly shameless into the bargain? I have another conception of God,' he used to say, 'for in my opinion one evil does not correct another, nor is a crime to be expiated by vain lamentings or by giving alms to the Church. Take this example: if I have killed the father of a family, if I have made of a woman a sorrowing widow and destitute orphans of some happy children, have I satisfied eternal Justice by letting myself be hanged, or by entrusting my secret to one who is obliged to guard it for me, or by giving alms to priests who are least in need of them, or by buying indulgences and lamenting night and day? What of the widow and the orphans? My conscience tells me that I should try to take the
education at all, a fact of which the natives soon became aware, as it was a marvel for them to see a Spaniard who didn't know how to read and write. Every one ridiculed him and the payment of the tax was the occasion of broad smiles. He knew that he was an object of ridicule and this tended to sour his disposition even more, rough and bad as it had formerly been. They would purposely h
and unable to catch them, he threw his cane and struck one of the boys on the head, knocking him down. He ran up and began to kick the fallen boy, and none of those who had been laughing had the courage to interfere. Unfortunately, your father happened to come along just at that time. He ran forward indignantly, caught the collector by the arm, and reprimanded him severely. The artilleryman, who was no doubt beside himself with rage, raised
ss. Every one abandoned him, and his books and papers were seized. He was accused of subscribing to El Correo de Ultramar, and to newspapers from Madrid, of having sent you to Germany, of having in his possession letters and a photograph of a priest who had been legally executed, and I don't know what not. Everything served as an accusation, even the fact that he, a descendant of Peninsulars, wore a camisa. Had it been any one but your father, it is likely that he would soon have been set free, as there was a physician who ascribed the death of the unfortunate collector to a hemorrhage. But his wealth, his confidence in the law,
luence.' I did so, and the noted lawyer took charge of the case, and conducted it with mastery and brilliance. But your father's enemies were numerous, some of them hidden and unknown. False witnesses abounded, and their calumnies, which under other circumstances would have melted away before a sarcastic phrase from the defense, here assumed shape and substance. If the lawyer succeeded in destroying the force of their testimony by making them contradict each other and even perjure themselves, new charges were a
with that malady which only the tomb can cure. When the case was almost finished and he was about to be acquitted of the charge of being an enemy of the f
door of the barracks, so the soldier stopped and said, as he grasped the youth's hand, "Young man
him with his eyes until he disappeared. Then he turned slowly and signaled to a passi
out of jail," thought the coch
itute the first reading les
a native of Spain who was considered to be mentally